Einstein is associated with the union of space and time. But, after publishing General Relativity, he seems to have had an insight which can be interpreted as “There is no space”. In his 1919 paper “Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?”, he suggested that gravitation and electromagnetism (or gravitons and photons, if you prefer) might interact to create mass. ^ In this case, space would be nothing in itself. What we call “space” would simply be the absence of mass-generation.

^ In something of mine inspired by Einstein’s paper, photons and gravitons would interact via what I call vector-tensor-scalar geometry, with the pressures exerted from their interaction producing all mass – even the Higgs boson’s - and also producing wave-particle duality. His paper is often regarded as outdated by the discovery of the nuclear forces in the 1930s. However, VTS Geometry says the mass-producing interaction also results in the masses and quantum spins of the nuclear forces’ bosons. There’s no need for Virtual Particles – which are undetectable, suggesting the possibility of their nonexistence. All the properties of matter could be accounted for by the real photons and real gravitons.

VTS Geometry says time does exist. Wick rotation and its mix of real plus imaginary numbers would be built into the photons and gravitons – and therefore, into mass. Imaginary numbers are indispensable for understanding quantum mechanics.




Albert Einstein used Riemannian geometry when formulating his General Relativity. It should therefore be conceivable that another work by Georg Riemann (the Riemann Hypothesis published in 1859) might, with help from Wick Rotation and the inverse-square law, go beyond Special Relativity's statements about the light cone, and about the speed of light being a cosmic speed limit.


Figure 1 – WICK ROTATION: The Complex Plane reveals i’s special relationship with cycles via the circle of i, also known as Wick rotation. Whenever a point on the complex plane is multiplied by i, it moves a quarter rotation around the origin or center of the plane.

The Riemann hypothesis doesn’t just apply to the distribution of prime numbers but can also apply to the fundamental structure of the mathematical universe’s space-time. In mapping the distribution of prime numbers, the Riemann hypothesis is concerned with the locations of “nontrivial zeros” on the “critical line”, and says these zeros must lie on the vertical line of the complex number plane i.e. on the y-axis in Wick rotation. Besides having a real part, zeros in the critical line (the y-axis) have an imaginary part. This is reflected in the real +1 and -1 of the x-axis in Wick rotation, as well as by the imaginary +i and -i of the y-axis. In the upper half-plane, a quarter rotation plus a quarter rotation equals a half – both quadrants begin with positive values and ¼ + ¼ = ½. (The Riemann hypothesis states that the real part of every nontrivial zero must be 1/2.) While in the lower half-plane, both quadrants begin with negative numbers and a quarter rotation plus a negative quarter rotation equals zero: 1/4 + (-1/4) = 0. * In the Riemann zeta function, there may be infinitely many zeros on the critical line. This suggests the y-axis is literally infinite. To truly be infinite, the gravitational and electromagnetic waves it represents cannot be restricted to the up-down direction but must include all directions. That means it would include the horizontal direction and interact with the x-axis – with the waves rotating to produce ordinary mass (and wave-particle duality) in the x-axis’ space-time,^ and dark matter in the y-axis’ imaginary space-time (recall the mass-energy equivalence shown by Albert Einstein's E=mc^2). In the latter case, the waves could be referred to as “dark electromagnetism” and “dark gravitation”.

*When described using Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry, the chargeless Majorana fermion’s negative vector-1 electrons minus the negative vector-2 electrons equal (-y) - (-y) = 0. This can be expressed as y + (-y) = 0, which clearly highlights its similarity to the Riemann hypothesis’ ¼ + (-1/4) = 0 (in terms of the first equation, this is -1/4 – (-1/4) = 0. The last pair of expressions resolve conflict regarding whether the first term in the lower half-plane of Riemann’s hypothesis is positive or negative (either can be used).

^ The inverse-square law states that the force between two particles becomes infinite if the distance by which they’re separated goes to zero. Remembering that gravitation partly depends on the distance between the centres of objects, the separation only goes to zero when those centres occupy identical space-time coordinates ^^ (not merely when the objects’ sides are touching). That is – infinity equals the total elimination of distance, or zero. The infinite, eternal cosmos could possess this absence of distance in space and time (deletion of the 3rd dimension) via the electronic mechanism of binary digits which would make the universe as malleable and flexible as any image on a computer screen. If infinity is the total deletion of distance in space-time, there is nothing to rule out instant intergalactic travel or time travel to the past and future. Infinity does not equal nothing – nor does zero. Zero would be something if it’s paired with one to form the binary digits used in computers and electronics. *

^^ Quantum mechanics forbids two particles of matter to occupy identical coordinates. But in a universe that is purely mathematical, matter potentially has the same freedom as photons and gravitons (unlimited numbers can be in the same place).

*As stated in "Introducing Robotics: Making Robots Move” by QUT (Queensland University of Technology) and the online educational company “Future Learn”, “the time variable t varies from 0 to 1, that is, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1". Therefore, logic states that 0 may be equal to 1 (division by 1 is accepted, so why isn't division by 0?) Since time is permanently united with space in physics, 0=1 in space-time too. This is consistent with a proposed future theory of physics called Quantum Gravity; where Quantum Mechanics is united with General Relativity, Einstein's theory of gravity. A possible path to attainment of quantum gravity is realizing that all objects and events on Earth and in space-time are just one thing - like 0 equalling 1, and like the objects in a computer image seeming to be a lot of separate objects but really just being one thing (strings of binary digits). A spacecraft sitting on its launchpad can be assigned t=0, and its destination t=1. Since 0=1, reaching the destination takes the same time as reaching the launchpad from the craft’s position on the launchpad (travel is instant). Robot motion can also be instant and not require interpolation, which is making the end of a robot arm move smoothly from A to B through a series of intermediate points. Of course, this is nonsense if viewed from CLASSICAL mechanics. We need a mindset immersed in QUANTUM mechanics which has been extended to macroscopic entanglement.

In forwards time travel (the familiar kind), the waves composing mass and wave-particle duality in the x-axis and y-axis (see a wrongly-regarded-as-outdated-by-discovery-of-the-nuclear-forces paper by Albert Einstein asking if gravitation plays a role in the composition of elementary particles) rotate in the counter-clockwise direction. Compare Wick rotation to a DVD that has no end. The future destination is reached by an “imaginary computer” ^ using tensor calculus to change the present coordinates to ones in the future. To use a simple example confined to two dimensions:-1,+ i becomes +1, -i. This is interdimensional travel since it incorporates both the time and space elements of the time-space unity i.e. Wick rotation as a subroutine built into the Mobius strips and doublets composing space and mass. Backwards travel in time is identical to forward trips except for the coordinates being different and belonging to points in the past.

^ “Imaginary” computers are this comment’s proposed real invention that use imaginary numbers, imaginary time and spacetime warping to be capable of performing calculations for potentially trillions of years on the y-axis, then warping them back to the x-axis a nanosecond after input of the problem - no time at all may elapse in “real” time (the passing of no time was hinted at by Einstein’s time dilation).

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