With the current Economic and social effects of covid-19, can African countries still attain the 2030 sdgs target? My opinion, wouldn't they be better-off if the goals are now re-evaluated and new target dates set?
I don't think Africa can make it for 2030 after COVID-19. Maybe you'll be interested to see one of chapters on poverty in Book COVID-19 The Untapped Solutions
Changes to the goals of achievement, methods of implementation, and the schedule of implementing the SDG principles are made every few years or more frequently in many countries in different regions of the world, on different continents. However, usually these changes lead to greater mobilization, activation of pro-ecological reform processes, implementation of individual principles of sustainable development and instruments for their implementation, increasing the scale of pro-ecological reforms of implementing eco-innovations in economic processes, etc., because due to the increasing scale of environmental pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and the progressing global warming process, the need for pro-ecological changes is an urgent issue, it is a global problem, it is a challenge for humanity in the 21st century.