26 December 2018 10 832 Report

I'm looking for a practical method to simulate Schottky diode's operations in ADS rather than using its available libraries. The equivalent circuit of a Schottky diode is as attached (in the red box). CL, RL, Cj and Rs are constant. But the problem is about Rj. According to a datasheet (HSMS-285x Series for example), Rj = 8.33 x 10e-5 x n x T /(Ib + Is). The saturation current IS is also constant, but Ib is the externally applied bias current! How can I get Ib in that circuit?

Another equation is the relationship between iD and vD: iD = IS x [exp(vD/nVT) - 1], with VT is constant too. But I do not understand that relationship with Rj. So, I do not know how to input Rj value in the ADS model. Any advice would be highly appreciated.

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