No precisely, the amplitude in a earthquake or seismic force is differente with respect to a shock vibration in mechanical structures. You can use a hammer vibration test to excite a specific structure, but the values of "g´s" that can you get is related with the force can you get from this hammer. However, in a seismic record in a FRF analysis you can excite several frequencies of the structure, but this depends of the band of frequencies of the seismic record. Remember, this is associated to the next equation: F=m*ddx, where ddx is in terms of the acceleration or "g´s" from the earthquake. If the structure is little in terms of mass, a earthquake maybe not excited enough the natural frequencies of the system and can be actuate as a low pass filter or high pass filter. Now, if you question is related in terms of the technology of accelerometers, physically no there is problem, but, the quality and the measuremet of the sensor can be deficient.