Hello all. my question is about difference between land use and land cover when we are trying to classify satellite image (Landsat in my work). when I done perprocessing, select training points and giver them to software (ENVI in my work) and run some algorithms (SVM, Maximum likelihood), the software give me a classified image. so my question is, in my work, for instance I want to measure city area so after classification I merge green areas (like parks, trees and so on) located in the city to city land use. or another instance is about fishing pool (aquaculture) there are many fishing pool which separated with tree or grass line edge (they are in one area side by side and only tree or grass line or road separate them). software separate reservoir and tree or grass edge but actually they are in one land use(fishing pool) so I need to merge them. now if I do accuracy assessment by validation points my classes accuracy come low, right?

should I done accuracy assessment in first classification image which software give me? and after accuracy assessment merge this classes?

forgive me for my terrible mistake in English writing, I am not good in English. and I wish I could convey my mean transparently. 


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