Ich am modeling a 3D printing process of a square specimen with Abaqus Standard using the Add-in AM-Modeler. The specimen has a hight of 2 mm and a slice hight of 0.2 mm (element length 0.2 mm). Starting the job, all relevant files are created, but not a single increment is calculated and no error is given.
Only reducing the problem to a specimen of 0.2 mm hight did allow the simulation. Also a specimen with hight 0.4 mm and an element length of 0.4 mm allowed the start of the simulation.
Calculating with my 16 GB RAM device often let to an error because of missing memory. But calculating the process on a machine with 192 GB RAM solved that problem.
For the process it is absolutely required that the whole specimen is printed. Is here anybody who has a clue, why Abaqus did not start the job with a little bit bigger model? The relevant file are attached.