Hi, I have a big problem and I don’t know what is the solution. 

I’m modelling the interface between masonry and reinforced fiber.

The masonry is composed by 10 bricks and the material is elastic + CDP, the element are Linear hexahedron, type C3D8R.

The interface is a very thin solid, Elastic + Damage for Traction Separation Law, COH3D8.

The fiber is shell, Elastic + Hashin Damage, S8R.

In Assembly model I have used the face to face constraints.

So I have fixed tie constraint [brick – interface] and [interface – fiber], and I have fixed surface to surface interaction [brick – brick].

BC are encaustre at the bottom of the masonry and displacement in Y direction at the top.

I have tried at lot but always appear me the usual error “Too many attempts made for this increment”.

I have attached file .inp.

Thank you very much.

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