I am trying to find a way to functionalize purified genomic DNA.

That is, I need a way to add reactive handles (amines, carboxylic acids... any conventional chemical group, really) on a linear, natural DNA, with an efficiency high enough to graft it to activated surfaces, incorporate it into polymers etc. So, something like 1 reactive handle every 102-103 bp would be a minimum. The downstream applications are chemistry rather than molecular biology, so I am interested in reactions that would be applicable to fairly concentrated samples (above 1mg/mL) and large volumes, which rules out enzymatic reactions.

I have tried to use the primary amines of bases (A & G) for reaction with epoxides or aldehydes, but I could not access these despite DNA denaturation. I also considered shearing the DNA to access reactive terminal phosphates, for EDC/Imidazole functionalization, but cutting the DNA is detrimental for downstream applications.

On a side note, because the DNA is fairly concentrated, reactions cannot be performed in acidic conditions because DNA would precipitate.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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