Can someone recommend the most reliable way to estimate the number of active sites of Ru, Co, and Cu catalysts on Al2O3?

1) Of course there isn't a 100% correct way of doing it, that's why I wrote "most reliable" :)

2) In the case of pure metal nanoparticles (e.g. Au) it is easily done from TEM images + crystalline cell of Au. But what about when we start with a metal oxide? E.g. the starting point is CoO/Al2O3. We reduce the catalyst to get "Co"/Al2O3 with H2. But, of course, only the surface of nanoparticles gets reduced, not the bulk. How can TEM help then? Do we have to assume a monolayer of Co covering our nanoparticles, and just calculate the active sites from TEM + atomic radius of Co?

3) Are there any good sorption techniques to get the active sites on all three catalysts correctly?

Thanks in advance

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