1 - Prof. Tegmark of MIT hypothesizes that the universe is not merely described by mathematics but IS mathematics.

2 - The Riemann hypothesis applies to the mathematical universe’s space-time, and says its infinite "nontrivial zeros" lie on the vertical line of the complex number plane (on the y-axis of Wick rotation).

3 - Implying infinity=zero, there's no distance in time or space - making superluminal and time travel feasible.

4 - Besides Mobius strips, topological propulsion uses holographic-universe theory to delete the 3rd dimension (and thus distance).

5 - Relationships between living organisms can be explained with scientifically applied mathematics instead of origin of species by biological evolution.

6 - Wick rotation - represented by a circle where the x- and y-axes intersect at its centre, and where real and imaginary numbers rotate counterclockwise between 4 quadrants - introduces the possibility of interaction of the x-axis' ordinary matter and energy with the y-axis' dark matter and dark energy.

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