Thermodynamics is the branch of natural science concerned with heat and its relation to other forms of energy and work. | Contact experts in Thermodynamics to get answers
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Questions related to Thermodynamics
A well-known way to calculate thermodynamic properties of a material at finite temperatures is minimization of the Gibbs free energy, which includes “cold” static energy E(V) calculated by DFT,...
24 October 2018 7,748 2 View
How to calculate thermodynamic properties at different temperatures from Gaussian hessian output file using script???
08 September 2018 5,029 3 View
What are the recent developments regarding Anfinsen's idea that the way proteins fold depends on the sequence of amino acids alone? Are there any new insights on Levinthal's treating the native...
20 August 2018 9,454 16 View
This is not a question. This is a map of the problem area, where researchers simultaneously use terms gravity, thermodynamic in their articles. file topic_report.docx = 20 topics from 1724...
26 July 2018 489 3 View
Hello, pressure p (intensive) and volume V (extensive) are thermodynamic state variables - independent on the way how a state was achieved. pdV =W is work and NOT a state variable, but a...
24 June 2018 5,799 18 View
I would like to derive an expression that describes reservoir temperature change (as a function of time) during fluid injection inside the reservoir. I have used the basics of thermodynamics and...
06 June 2018 715 3 View
Hi dear, How to determine thermodynamic state of a substance knowing enthalpy (h) and entropy (s) using thermodynamic tables? Thanks.
30 May 2018 7,293 20 View
In IC engines, especially in diesels, compression pressure (CP) is key to thermal/indicated efficiency, the ratio of indicated power over fuel thermal energy. Now, CP as measured in a motored,...
22 May 2018 1,536 3 View
I would like to simulate oxygen combustion in 10 MWe gas piston engine and I can't find what is maximum save temperature in combustion chamber. Engine should work in this temperature many hours...
12 May 2018 5,106 3 View
How could we calculate the "X" thermodynamic quality, In order to make a comparison of critical heat flux correlation results with those mentioned in the 2006 CHF look up table .
06 May 2018 4,238 4 View
05 May 2018 6,404 19 View
05 May 2018 2,466 3 View
I want to calculate thermodynamic properties of Ammonia-water mixture at some specific points in Refprop. But the program gives me a 2-phase state did not converge error. Does anyone know how to...
05 May 2018 5,084 3 View
02 May 2018 4,357 3 View
I am going to analyse 16 people as inputs with their age, weight, height and type of work. As outputs there are their performances in physical activities, squats and endurance. Can you help me,...
25 April 2018 2,061 2 View
I am using call NH3H2O external procedure in EES in order to calculate the fluid properties of Ammonia-water mixture . I want to create a parametric table by giving the mass fraction, enthalpy and...
18 April 2018 5,747 5 View
i have one new system, lanthanide Nd, Eu and Yb complexes, that could lead to their detection and study at the single molecule level I have to make numbers about if the emissive properties the...
17 April 2018 5,621 0 View
There are two definitions of exergy efficiency. i.e. 1. eff = Wnet/ Exergy In 2. eff= 1- (exergy destruction/ Exergy In ) While analyzing supercritical CO2 power cycles, the exergy efficiency...
11 April 2018 1,998 5 View
In case of energy thermodynamics and weight, why is there energy intake, but not energy reserves (fat/glycogen) in the balance?
05 April 2018 5,024 2 View
I need to calculate the thermodynamic properties of different fluid such as R134, R22 and etc in Matlab software. Can any one help me with this issue?
04 April 2018 2,772 17 View
04 April 2018 7,082 5 View
Hello, I am trying to model gas flow between two tanks using orifice and tool used is Simscape. I observed the exit temperature of orifice restriction and entry temperature to downstream are not...
04 April 2018 6,389 3 View
When I compare B3LYP and M06-2X functional in terms of thermodynamic I see a big difference even more than 25 kcal/mol, Where M06-2X shows lower energy than B3LYP. But, I couldn't see anything...
04 April 2018 2,602 4 View
04 April 2018 9,645 2 View