Dear all,

I have a question concerning the scoring of neutrons produced from a proton beam and later been moderated. I want to score within a cell (e.g. water tank, or ICRU phantom) the dose from neutrons which are produced in (p,n) or (p,2n) reactions by a 68 MeV proton beam (source) in an iron target. The water tank let’s say is situated some distance behind the target. In a second set up, I will shield the water tank with lead and I want to score the neutron dose of the changed energy spectrum (after shielding)

My question is:

Is it sufficient to use F4:N card with proper DE and DF card to obtain the neutron dose after neutron reactions like (n,2n) or (n,3n) within the lead shield or do I have to use e.g. FM cards to score neutrons which are not directly produced by a source particle but from a secondary particle.

Many thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards,

Andreas Weber

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