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Questions related to Image Processing
Hi guys, Can someone guide on how can i create a detector to auto detect both sides of human cheeks from large number of dataset using viola jones? basically my project is on detecting cheeks...
11 August 2020 8,546 6 View
Hi, I want to implement a binary classifier (lesion yes/no) with the DeepLesion dataset. Therefore I also need ct images of healthy subjects because the DeepLesion dataset only includes images...
30 July 2020 9,912 14 View
I am developing an adaptive thresholding method based on integral sum images and sauvola method. I need a dataset to test my method against the ground truth. any help is appreciated.
23 July 2020 4,227 4 View
Dear colleagues I want to ask, where can I obtain the original versions of classic photos that are traditionally used for image encryption? Examples include the Lenna figure, vegetables, baboon,...
17 July 2020 10,075 3 View
I have tried based on pixel value with a referential ground-truth temperature of some different pixel value, a region of interest (thermal image of a person's forehead ). I am getting near about...
16 July 2020 509 1 View
We are working on an Automated Foreign Object Detection on Runway (FYP Project). It is a system to detect the FODs (Foreign Object Debris) on the surface of Runways. It also detects other...
13 July 2020 4,706 1 View
I have performed a two-phase binary classification to solve the 3 class problem: Normal-86, Disease A-86, and Disease B-86 (figure attached) Phase I: Normal vs. Abnormal (Disease A + Disease...
07 July 2020 5,760 1 View
it supposed to take all the .nd files from a folder, do z-projection, set the channel color, adjust brightness and contrast and save them in a new folder as .tiff. However when I run it, it does...
18 June 2020 4,803 4 View
Greetings, I´ve done my best to answers these questions myself but I need some help. The following is within a Gravity Model of Trade framework. I´ve attached my .dta and .do. 1. Do country-pair...
08 June 2020 6,001 0 View
Have implement neural network based mask detection algorithm with different colors of masks and that is working with 99% accuracy (around 2 fails in 850 tests) but the CNN based algorithm is too...
07 June 2020 1,570 7 View
Hello, I'm working on a research project where I need to estimate in real time the 6DOF pose of objects in a pick and place tasks. The pose must be estimate in real time, and the objects can be...
03 June 2020 7,348 0 View
Where can I find be any data set whichever human, animal, face thermal camera image dataset?
13 May 2020 7,239 19 View
Hi, I'm looking to label some objects (irregularly shaped cellular aggregates) to train a network to identify, count, and measure these objects in images. I'm hoping someone knows of a tool...
10 May 2020 3,247 1 View
Is there any alternative topic/theory/mathematical foundation to compressed sensing (CS) theory? successive to Nyquist Criterion is CS theory, is there any theory that surpasses the CS theory ?
06 April 2020 9,694 6 View
Greeting everyone, I have an interesting question now. I have many images (multiple millions). These images are simple, containing hundreds of binary dots only. Let me denote the number of...
03 April 2020 3,659 0 View
In compression and decompression application to Image processing, I have got the following values Algorithm A: PSNR=30.5 SNR=0.0108 Algorithm B PSNR=28.9 SNR=0.0165 What should I conclude from this?
31 March 2020 7,383 12 View
- E.g., Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) images.
25 March 2020 5,398 4 View
25 March 2020 6,088 3 View
I have introduced some factorization for the infinite Hilbert Operator based on the Cesaro, generalized Cesaro and Gamma matrices in the following papers: 1-H. Roopaei, Factorization of Cesàro...
03 March 2020 3,054 2 View
Any idea, reference, facts....
03 March 2020 7,746 2 View
I want to work on a Lane Prediction model. I already worked with dataset that has segmented lanes like Culane, but I am looking for a dataset which has predicted lanes. for example this is a demo...
28 February 2020 8,741 8 View
I am trying to find mean & SD of selected ROI via image processing tool. It is showing individual pixel intensity but not mean. Did I have to write a code for it?
26 February 2020 6,382 3 View
Hello, I have a binary edge detected picture(used Canny edge detection method), now I would like to filter out small or not required edges ( by length or shape or number of pixels) in python, does...
20 February 2020 7,155 8 View
We are working on a project to detect foreign objects on the surface of a runway. We want to know which camera will be best for this purpose. The runway is 46m wide and it should be able to detect...
02 February 2020 6,969 3 View