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Questions related to Electromagnetism
G is usually measured with mechanical apparatus similar to that invented by Cavendish (sort of torsional pendulum). Oscillating test masses are made from metal, say stainless steel, thus they are...
03 March 2017 1,497 15 View
please explain to me the formula and method to calculate it, thank you..
03 March 2017 7,314 0 View
Using Neutrino that has Boson, it is said that we can change an atoms neutrons to protons and electrons. With this information, can we create a ray of Neutrino that can change an object's atomic...
03 March 2017 4,858 8 View
It is found recently that the core of neutron star is in a state of superfluidity (superconductivity). How much the electric conductivity of white dwarf and neutron stars as compared to normal...
03 March 2017 9,138 3 View
Is their any specific applications for positive and negative magneto(di)electric materials? Please provide links if possible which can elucidate it in a better way.
03 March 2017 9,207 4 View
What is magnetoelectric field cooling? Do we apply the cooling fields everytime we want to observe the ME switching? Are the cooling electric and magnetic fields same as the applied electric and...
03 March 2017 655 7 View
In Dirac theory the electron has a spin degree of freedom. The question is: Do electric and magnetic fields created by an electron in a given frame of reference depend on the electron spin? If...
03 March 2017 2,950 8 View
Is it possible to reverse the spin of an electron by applying a magnetic field without it losing it's entanglement? There have been some researches where people have managed to reverse the spin of...
03 March 2017 4,841 5 View
Dear people, if a "measurement" is ment to be an interaction of an elementary particle, why can we still see wave-interference patterns in the double-slit-experiment which are conducted in rooms...
02 February 2017 777 18 View
In collider physics I have frequently come across H_T cut over jet momenta. How do we define this quantity and what is the physical reason for applying this apart from missing energy cut?
02 February 2017 8,763 3 View
I have a question regarding one unusual (thought) system. Some years ago at one Russian forum we discussed one thought device that, as its author claimed, can provide one-directional motion and...
02 February 2017 3,953 26 View
I have tried to derive, in a particular form, an equation for the electric field of light propagating in a dielectric. Unfortunately, for my intended purpose, for the case of electromagnetic wave...
31 January 2017 580 7 View
wave vector is k0/kx k0-wave vector in free space kx-wave vector in x-direction
01 January 2017 8,610 0 View
Even where are no particles to support the wave, and wave energy is that which vibrates the particles and moves one particle in relation to another, if particles come into contact, as in water,...
01 January 2017 6,158 63 View
01 January 2017 1,952 8 View
I am working on Metamaterials and getting more information about it. Regarding that, I want to know what does it mean exactly that tangential component of E (Electric) is Zero. Please Help
01 January 2017 8,918 6 View
Dear friends ! The thing is more complex , If we think that Gravity also propagate same as speed of light . In General theory of relativity the speed of gravitational waves also same as...
12 December 2016 10,140 8 View
Sir I am ranjeet and tring to make small cylindrical electromagnet approximately of height 0.75 cm and diameter of base 3 mm. I used copper wire to wind iron core. The current flowing is 0.85 amp...
12 December 2016 9,443 0 View
Theoretically is it possible to make time slower than that of earth? Since earth has a motion, our solar system has a motion, our galaxy has a on. So why not have a reference point...
12 December 2016 7,255 6 View
Hi all, I am taking some measurements of magnetic samples in magnetostatic fields. To do so, I place them on a coplanar waveguide, but when the external field increases, so does the S21 of the...
12 December 2016 2,986 6 View
06 December 2016 599 5 View
I have classical source of current (40 V and 5 A). How I can produce spin polarized current from classical DC currentwhile total length of my contacts is no more than 1 meter? For clarify I want...
11 November 2016 1,925 2 View
where S1= 164 cm-1 S2= -400 cm-1 a= 3.64 angstron h plancks constant c velocity of light Answer should be expressed in debye (D) Help needed for the calculation.
11 November 2016 2,178 1 View
04 November 2016 6,564 1 View