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Questions related to Electromagnetism
The flow of water and salts inside a pipe generates a magnetic field. I would like to know if there's a way to harvest this energy.
06 June 2018 4,252 2 View
Today, every college and university teach Newtonian Mechanics, first in engineering or physics, often concurrent with Calculus I. The question investigates whether it would be better to the...
06 June 2018 3,309 68 View
Hi, I'm trying to couple electrical circuit physics with frequency domain em wave. In my simulation a wave of some frequency propagates through a split ring meta atom. I have set lumped ports...
01 May 2018 9,441 4 View
As Millikan showed, electrons are negatively charged. Furthermore, according to Coulomb's law, like charges will repel, while unlike ones will attract. How can we then explain the covalent bonding...
04 April 2018 3,771 30 View
Capacitance of IDC depends on the dielectric material used in IDC. I think, capacitance is decreased with increasing frequency because at high frequency dielectric don't hold the charge so charge...
04 April 2018 1,229 3 View
as we know from the Electromagnetism that a accelerated charge always looses energy by radiating EM waves & also from quantum mechanics that there is a minimum energy state i.e., ground state...
02 April 2018 4,986 13 View
It is generally thought (see Special Relativity, A. P. French) that the magnetism we detect form an electric field, is related to relative motion with respect to that field. Specifiically a moving...
31 March 2018 6,592 6 View
Hi, I'm looking to draw copper tracks on a double sided substrate within a software that allows me to export as dxf/dwg/gerber for fabrication. Can anyone recommend a pcb design software that...
22 March 2018 7,614 6 View
Is it possible to describe Electromagnetism in a way such that the electric field is defined as the curl of a vector potential and the magnetic field is the grad of a scalar potential? Will such...
03 March 2018 7,920 7 View
We want to simulate with scalar electromagnetism a source with an extended area and with a numerical aperture (output of a fiber) ? Can you propose any methods or litteratures about this type of...
03 March 2018 5,272 0 View
03 March 2018 9,982 7 View
From the online MIT textbook, (chapter 4 annexed) the following results: The retardation of the electromagnetic fields of fast moving charges reshape the fields completely: the electric field in...
03 March 2018 8,790 25 View
I have seen a problem asking to prove that an electron is executing a simple harmonic motion when captive in the ground state orbital, from the classical perspective: Reference:...
02 February 2018 2,387 0 View
Light is known to be massless in vacuum. However, when it enters a conductor, does it still have zero mass? In a transparent medium, the speed of light is less that c, which would imply that light...
01 January 2018 5,484 17 View
I'm trying to make an electromagnet in the size of about a pen, I was wondering what is the best material to use as a core to generate strongest magnetic field. Thank you,
12 December 2017 2,676 4 View
I am trying to find out if electromagnetism could be developed in a ferromagnetic material if exposed for a sufficiently long time to a plasma environment. Is this at all possible? Any papers...
11 November 2017 8,148 9 View
we know that change in mass gives energy which is calculated with the help of mass-energy a similar fashion i have discovered electric-magnetic equivalence equation in a research...
11 November 2017 7,332 2 View
07 November 2017 3,880 8 View
04 November 2017 418 2 View
In electromagnetism, is the magnetic field, generated by charges, relative to the observer?
10 October 2017 4,844 58 View
There were many models (like Barnett, magnetic matter inclusions ones) to explain the Earth magnetism. But there were failed. The Earth magnetic field was reoriented some times. What are reasons...
08 August 2017 6,308 8 View
Hello dear researchers, Scanning near field microscopy is a standard method for mapping the near field localized amplitude and phase. Is that possible, by inverse calculation( Inversely fit the...
08 August 2017 586 17 View
No permanent magnets, or other field generation, Just the magnetic field, resulting from the current in the loop, is there a force on a flexible conductor? If so, does the force tend to open the...
22 July 2017 9,534 17 View
07 July 2017 3,924 18 View