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Questions related to Data Mining
Hücresel imalat sistemlerinde veri madenciliği tekniklerinden kümeleme yöntemlerinin kullanılması konusundan yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
24 November 2020 3,644 3 View
I wonder if anyone can thankfully provide me with a free software to analyze data mining and/or artificial intelligence.
17 November 2020 9,966 13 View
I am looking for software and/or papers on automatic data insight generation. I think it is more nuanced than AutoML --- or I misunderstood it as an umbrella term. By data insights, I loosely...
16 November 2020 5,531 4 View
Hello I have an income dataset and house sales dataset with a different number of records, I need to integrate these two together using R. I thought I need to create a new column in the income...
29 October 2020 8,335 11 View
Data mining is a process of discovering patterns in large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database systems.
27 October 2020 4,561 5 View
Self-training is a wrapper method for semi-supervised learning. First, a supervised learning algorithm is trained based on the labeled data only. This classifier is then applied to the unlabeled...
17 October 2020 3,453 3 View
The DDoS attach could detect Statistical based, Soft computing based, Knowledge-based and Data mining and machine learning-based methods. These methods proved that are efficient to detect attacks...
08 October 2020 1,501 4 View
In order to take the industrial revolution to new horizons (mining and mineral processing), Artificial intelligence and Machine learning can play a critical role. Big data is a fundamental...
24 September 2020 9,136 5 View
Data mining is a process of extracting useful information large data sets through the use of any relevant data analysis techniques developed to help people to make better decisions. So,what's...
22 September 2020 1,294 10 View
Hi, I am quite a newbie with python, and I need to run some text mining analysis on 100+ literary texts in German, which I have stored as individual txt files in a folder. They are with the scheme...
21 September 2020 4,971 3 View
Hello everyone, My issue is about a water distribution system that I am working on a zone of the system where does not exist any plan for the place of pipes. However, we have the place of...
15 September 2020 6,177 6 View
I'm in the process of starting my masters thesis, and I would like to research on Educational Data Mining (EDM) area. I need good topics for research EDM. Can you suggest some topics? I'm working...
08 September 2020 7,681 4 View
Dear All, For my research about data mining in building energy, I need residential energy consumption' but with these requirements: -appliance level (like refrigerator..) -at least 40 valid...
05 September 2020 1,636 2 View
The data that is obtained from the institution database is to analyze the GPA and CGPA of 1000 students. The attributes obtained are demographic but no behavioral, income, etc. What type of data...
02 September 2020 4,221 3 View
Doing research in data mining. i have chosen classification and prediction. I have opted medical data sets like heart disease dataset from UCI machine learning repository. Completed imputation...
30 August 2020 7,897 5 View
I am trying to do text mining on Chinese reviews. I have tried out many softwares, like the RapidMiner, Chinese Text Analytics, Python. Most of them seem to require certain level of programming...
13 August 2020 9,271 8 View
In 2017, a famous paper proposes Transformer which successfully adopt self attention as well as FFN for NLP. The paper is called "Attention is All You Need". This work lets many scholars know RNN...
12 August 2020 8,298 11 View
What are the differences between data profiling and data mining?
21 July 2020 1,711 16 View
From my understanding data mining techniques can be applied to large and complex organizational data set; is it possible for same techniques to be applied to a homogeneous data set with less than...
14 July 2020 4,912 8 View
I search for applications about recommender systems. The Idea in general is to use algorithms which gives according to historical data of the classifications of soil. then make a mapping spell...
10 July 2020 9,023 9 View
The question surrounds about applications where this two concept exists. if you have comparative studies, review articles or support it will be very helpful.
09 July 2020 3,693 3 View
I search for applications about recommender systems where there is Similarity techniques in the field of agriculture . Idea in general it is to use algorithms which gives according to historical...
06 July 2020 8,390 3 View
Note: I programmed my project with JavaScript The data I am talking about is data that I have queried from DBpedia, and therefore I want to improve the results by applying one of the data mining...
29 June 2020 227 8 View
My Machine Learning model show in different ways, high correlation between parents' education and student's outcomes. I 'm trying to identify a causal relationship in a separate model since the...
12 June 2020 4,356 7 View