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Questions related to Computer Networks
Does it involved any scripts?
11 November 2014 6,591 2 View
I want to simulate Bcube,porland topology with NS-3 simulator,but I don't know how can I start point and don't know if it's feasible. If someone did it,please tell me.Thanks a lot.
24 October 2014 2,054 3 View
I need to collect some powerful books available in the area of network(Wired & Wireless) reliability , which are focused on different measures of network reliability calculations . Further the...
10 October 2014 5,670 2 View
I am working on HMIPv6 and trying to do some enhancement in it. I need to work on some mathematical model to prove my approach. I am ready with concept and also have a number of existing thesis to...
10 October 2014 2,021 3 View
What benefits can we get from the behavior analysis of HTTP requests?
10 October 2014 7,065 4 View
What will be good: NS3 or cloudsim or some other tool for simulation large scale network topologies
10 October 2014 1,415 18 View
10 October 2014 8,237 2 View
I am using the omnet++ as simulators network for vanet by using veins so how do I implement a new routing protocol for veins where use 802.11p.
09 September 2014 5,987 4 View
I need the LTE simulation for my thesis. I have opnet academic version. However it can not support LTE. So I want to try the LTE simulation of my thesis over the opnet modeler of university...
09 September 2014 2,517 1 View
Hubs, switches, and routers are all devices that let you connect one or more computers to other computers, networked devices, or even other networks. Each has two or more connectors called ports...
09 September 2014 1,829 5 View
I am new to OPNET. Could you please guide me with some basic questions I have regarding OPNET 1)How do you modify the existing MANET routing Protocol "DSR" available in OPNET. Do we have to save...
09 September 2014 9,460 5 View
I am trying to use Fabricpath in SDN to avoid blocking of ports by STP in redundant topology.
08 August 2014 3,338 3 View
Can we can utilize the selfish node for transmission of packets?
07 July 2014 6,579 6 View
What is digital signature? Differentiate between physical and digital dignature
07 July 2014 9,465 3 View
I am curious to see which one of these options are preferred. A variant of DSL, broadband, or high-speed fiber. I know different scenarios can sway the outcome, but which one do you recommend, and...
07 July 2014 6,207 9 View
I am working in field of MIPv6 and working with some new model. Now I need to learn main quality parameters from you people. I want to design my model and also want to take care of these...
06 June 2014 6,432 6 View
How can we create new agents under NS2, where the goal is to simulate intrusion detection?
06 June 2014 4,754 5 View
With relation to my research work, I would like to know the recent work going on in TCP SYN flood attack.
06 June 2014 2,583 4 View
Please I'm doing my final project and I need steep by steep e-book(s) tutorial on how to design and configure LEACH routing protocol in WSNs on OPNET simulator, thanks.
06 June 2014 4,074 0 View
Is Qualnet useful tool for VANET simulation?
06 June 2014 9,826 13 View
Hybrid routing protocols.
06 June 2014 5,415 2 View
06 June 2014 9,806 2 View
I'm trying to simulate p2p video streaming to evaluate the scalability of a network
06 June 2014 4,240 2 View
If different parties have different security policies, how do I harmonize them?
06 June 2014 9,704 10 View