9 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yudi Wahyudin
If we developed a rural area to become a city, what kind of social impacts should be addressed, both positive or negative impacts? In those areas many people live and their livelihoods depend on...
18 April 2014 9,025 4 View
Sustainable development's goal is to set up three or four types of sustainability, i.e. ecological sustainability, social sustainability, economic sustainability, and institutional sustainability....
10 April 2014 4,857 30 View
Strategic planning is believed to be an approach to plan strategic management that include the sustainability value of ecology, social, economic and governance.
07 April 2014 680 5 View
Water is our basic need. Most of our body consists of water. Day to day in our lives something is always related to the need for water. Some places have an abundance of water, in some other...
07 April 2014 4,659 8 View
Considering that the ecosystem service has been widely known and all related tools and methods for valuing these services have already been discussed and mutually understood, why did we try to...
19 March 2014 7,829 12 View
I just started to research for my dissertation about the connectivity between seagrass and other coastal and marine resources. I need your great opinion and advices about the measurement method,...
15 March 2014 4,025 8 View
Most of Indonesian territory is waters; this consequently affects the long coastline (number 2 after Canada) and widely coastal area. Most of the highest biodiversity is in the coastal area and...
05 March 2014 564 3 View
Often times we face some root problem based on this situation because developing countries, like Indonesia still have a big gap and several lacks based on social, economic, cultural, and others....
24 February 2014 9,445 2 View
Is it possible to restore the coral reef damage due to vessel grounded? because there are an expert said that coral transplantation is no need to replace all the coral reef damage areas.
01 January 1970 3,325 6 View