27 Questions 527 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yoshinori Shiozawa
I am considering to distribute N-kinds of different parts among M-different countries and I wan to know the "most probable" pattern of distribution. My question is in fact ambiguous, because I am...
12 December 2018 6,494 15 View
Marc Lavoie's book Post-Keynesian Economics (2014) is a thick book of 650 pages and has a subtitle New Foundations. It is full of arguments on methodologies and policy orientations. I read full of...
02 February 2018 2,694 97 View
I have posted a comment on André Orléan's "open letter" to the French Minister of Education (See the first answer below of my own). The letter and the comments on background explain what is...
01 January 2018 2,479 26 View
It takes a theory to beat a theory. This is famous and important dictum, but I do not know the origin. I searched in Google and found that Richard A. Epstein (1983, p.1435) had used this...
07 July 2017 8,643 7 View
I am now writing a paper (the second chapter of the book with the title The Microfoundations of Evolutionary Economics) and I want to collect more information on what I call Sraffa principle (or...
06 June 2017 572 22 View
Full-cost pricing is the most famous pricing method widely adopted and practiced by firms. I know how the neoclassical microeconomists explain or justify this pricing method: price your product so...
01 January 2017 1,768 12 View
I am interested how the founding fathers of neoclassical economics like Marshall, Léon Walras and Carl Menger conceived production. I am specifically interested how they conceived physical input...
01 January 2017 697 2 View
I am totally opposed to Mr. Trump's racist, chauvinist, anti-feminist speech which encourages hates among people. However, if we analyze the popular sentiments of the people who voted for Mr....
11 November 2016 9,133 31 View
Marginal revolution is understood to have occurred in 1870’s. However, Blaug (2001) shows that Germany and France were ahead of UK in topics and tools like subjective value theory and demand and...
08 August 2016 9,920 25 View
Technological level of a society is supported by its technological capability. The technological capability can be divided into two functions. Static capability permits the society to keep the...
08 August 2016 5,199 8 View
TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) before effectuation is the latest multi-national trade agreement and its ratification is now a big political issue for almost all participating countries. In the...
07 July 2016 9,793 84 View
In the end of her historical overview on the theory and policy of international trade Carmen Elena Dorobat (RG member) cites Necker (2014) cherry-picking of findings that conform to a desired...
07 July 2016 8,798 12 View
As I cannot find any place to tell my opinion to the RG's web manger, I post this question. ResearchGate recently eliminated Contribution page and replaced it by Timeline. I don't like Timeline...
04 April 2016 6,185 9 View
Holt, Rosser and Colander's article The Complexity Era in Economics (Review of Political Economy 23(3): 359-371, July 2011) has a strong and important message on the present and future state of...
03 March 2016 8,638 21 View
Equilibrium is the most important method of analysis in economics. It has a long tradition that started from the 18th century with French scholars such as A.-N. Isnard and N.-F. Canard and...
01 January 2016 7,871 44 View
Through many discussions in RearchGate, I came to recognize that majority of economists are still deeply influenced by the Friedmanian methodology. An evidence is the fact that they take little...
10 October 2015 3,769 73 View
Let Km,n a complete bipartite graph and T1 and T2 be its two different spanning trees. We assume further that T1 and T2 are in the same class, i.e. the numbers of edges of the two trees are the...
09 September 2015 10,071 12 View
Having re-read Heller's article of 1975 (AER 65(1): 1-26), I noticed a strong similarity between the present reflections after the Lehman crash and the long repeated debate during the decade from...
05 May 2015 4,005 16 View
Only five years ago, many persons talked like Jean-Claude Trichet in the following citation: In November 2010, European Central Bank (ECB) the then Governor, Jean-Claude Trichet, opened the ECBs...
03 March 2015 1,049 8 View
What is the real content of vulgarization, when they claim that J.S. Mill vulgarized Ricardo's teachings? In what sense is he blamed to have opened the way to neoclassical economics? Béla Balassa...
03 March 2015 1,784 14 View
Only 5 years ago, most of economists questioned the present state of economics. See, for example, Victor A. Beker's analysis "On the Economic Crisis and the Crisis of...
11 November 2014 5,080 66 View
In Chapter 2 of his General Theory, Keynes states that "it has been supposed that any individual act of abstaining from consumption necessarily leads to, and amounts to the same thing as, causing...
10 October 2014 1,566 39 View
The concept of effective demand was once considered as the most crucial one of Keynes's theory. But, this concept was wiped out from the mainstream economics. It disappeared not only from...
12 December 2013 5,235 15 View
The concept of effective demand has vanished from the New Keynesian Economics. You will find that there is no term like effective demand in the textbooks of this strand. It is the real cleavage...
11 November 2013 5,286 23 View
Many economists are now considering a return to Keynes. The contents and reasons may be various but the atmosphere concerning Keynes has changed much since 2008. Putting the relevance or...
03 March 2013 5,532 98 View
This is the very important project worked by two scholars of great erudition. Many people may hesitate to add any comments on this well prepared research project. As the project workers are...
01 January 1970 5,877 11 View
This question was originally directed to the project by e. ahmet Tonak, Anwar Shaikh, and Sungur Savran: Empirical Measurement of Labour Theory Of Value Categories. But I think my question has...
01 January 1970 7,208 4 View