9 Questions 86 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Xavier Oudet
According to Kepler laws, obtained from the motions of the planets of the solar system, and the Christiam Huygens law on the centrifugal force, Newton concludes that the force acting between the...
05 May 2021 2,441 7 View
We must be careful in the case of the spin notion: it has been supposed that the are two kinds of spin but there is no prove, in fact With the spin hypothesis it was supposed an additional half...
06 March 2020 6,923 6 View
What about the following suggestion? The two first unit of valence for a metal have to be attributed to its first and second electron of its ns shell. But what about the following electrons of...
19 July 2019 9,129 0 View
If we consider the electron going closer and closer of the proton, the first motion to take place is linear, then progressively a circular one takes place. Why the linear motion will disappears?...
01 July 2018 9,204 40 View
According to Einstein the laws of the physics do not depend of the place of observation. We have use this sentence to introduce the notion of small grains mass in the interactions between electron...
03 February 2018 7,025 3 View
The first work of Bohr has led to suppose that indeed the magnetic moment is the leading property in QM and the work of Sommerfeld also. But the half values Bohr magneton in the experimental...
26 July 2017 6,821 7 View
I think yes. The study of the statistical weight of the energy of the atoms or that of the money allows to think so, see (Perturbations and Statistical Distribution of the Thermal Energy and...
03 July 2017 2,215 6 View
In relativity the notion of simultaneity is often accepted. But according to the hypothesis of the photon in ray of light, the photons arrive successively on a screen and the notion of...
24 October 2016 7,765 5 View
Dear all: We have been a number of researchers to suppose that there is to kinds of spin, but the study of Dirac ’equation seems to give just one kind of spin. Indeed there are two kinds of...
01 January 1970 9,592 22 View