5 Questions 2 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Wang Chizhou
I use XRD to calculate the crystallinity, referring to the following formula:CrI=(I(110)-Iam)/I(110) (I(110) is the maximum strength of (110) planes,Iam is the diffraction intensity...
28 February 2021 3,156 4 View
The regenerated cellulose film was prepared by zinc chloride/H2O system. The zinc chloride had been washed away in the regeneration process, and the wet film which was not dried had uniform...
19 February 2021 9,828 1 View
After cellulose is dissolved and regenerated in water, a regenerated cellulose hydrogel is formed. I want to know if there is crystallinity inside the hydrogel, or it will not crystallize until it...
05 January 2021 7,727 4 View
I want to get long chain proteins that are well dispersed (and try to prevent the degradation of procollagen into small peptide chains). Is there any solvent that prevents degradation and...
24 August 2020 1,084 3 View
For example, someone has done the fusion of protein and cellulose to form a new CNF with good toughness. If I want to consider other polymers, should I start with the hydrogen bond acceptance...
14 August 2020 7,672 5 View