18 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vikesh Shivik
I need a tablet/portable device that can run labVIEW on it, it needs to have 2 USB powerful ports to power sensors and have enough storage(64Gb/128 Gb) and a powerful processor. Which tablet...
10 October 2017 2,569 0 View
I want to have a heat map with different colors. With extreme color red and lowest blue. Something like in the picture, but with red the maximum and blue minum and other colors in between. How can...
10 October 2017 2,540 2 View
I am looking for a labVIEW program that can read data from an R&S NRP-Z81 USB power sensor or any R&S usb sensor?. IS there someone who has such an program available ?
10 October 2017 6,402 0 View
I have a R&S®NRP-Z81 Wideband Power Sensor which measureses the electric field strength and I want to combined this with location of a gps and log and display the data on a PC. How can this be...
10 October 2017 6,712 5 View
Is there someone who has this book: Antenna theory Analysis and Design 4th Edition?
07 July 2017 2,712 0 View
I calculated the RMS Doppler spread using Matlab but would like to know if my mathematical way of defining it is correct. In some literature, they use an integral notation, but I calculated it...
06 June 2017 9,359 0 View
Is there someone who has a research paper? Preferably for frequencies around 700 Mhz, 868 Mhz, 900 Mhz
06 June 2017 1,937 4 View
I have an array of number. I am looking at the difference between each of the following number of the array. So each time a difference is found between numbers of the array that is larger than 0....
06 June 2017 5,521 2 View
I am looking for sampeling theory
05 May 2017 5,088 0 View
How to get the coherence time, from the S21(t) measurement which corresponds to the time variant-transfer fucntion H(t,f0).?
05 May 2017 5,125 2 View
I have the measured data from a vector network analyzer. I need to do a autocorrelation in time on this data. After that I need to look at the time span over which the signal level is -3dB from...
05 May 2017 9,244 5 View
I have this matlab code which calculates the autocorellation of data. I want the timespan over which the autocrrelation is lower than 50% of the maxmimum value how can I get...
05 May 2017 8,004 2 View
Iam tying to run the following code on the data, but it gives me an error: Error using .* Matrix dimensions must agree.. The error occurs here: xw=x .* xh'; % Window the signal. Can someone help...
05 May 2017 7,857 4 View
How can I determine which types of dispersion are important for optical fibers, for the wavelenths 800nm and 1550 nm. If given the group index of the HE11 mode=group index...
04 April 2017 10,046 7 View
I have a .csv file with 2 different parameters that are logged in the same column without any separation. How can i read the file and seprarate the 2 parameters?
04 April 2017 3,483 0 View
How do I extract the coherence time and Doppler spread from S21 measurements?
04 April 2017 7,174 3 View
I am trying to solve the following problem sin ce a week Given: a satellite is flying in a Low Earth Orbit and the distance is 600 kilometers. The antenna on the satellite is a dish antenna with a...
04 April 2017 6,087 4 View
If there is an very narrow band system that experiences ultra fast fading with fading dips leading to phase fluctuations how does this increases the signal bandwith?
04 April 2017 7,863 4 View