15 Questions 60 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Victoria Rubin
I recently spoke to a group of seniors and was confronted with a simple question that I've never thought about before. See my fuller account of the event in the link. What is an elderly lie,...
31 May 2016 5,005 3 View
I'm looking for recent developments in automated analysis of Twitter, Facebook, or any other text-based social media streams. What are researchers able to extract? How are facts gathered,...
02 June 2015 9,386 9 View
We are thinking through some of the problems in distinguishing reputable news from phony ones. What might give you a clue that an online story you are reading is bogus, fake, or unreliable? We'd...
21 May 2015 6,492 41 View
What software package would you recommend to use for Content Analysis (CA), and why? I'm talking about Klaus Krippendorff-style CA, as described in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_analysis...
28 November 2014 2,741 24 View
I'm interested in any resources that can support the following 3 tasks: 1) cross-lingual information seeking (e.g., query formulation support, searching, browsing, retrieving, or evaluating search...
24 October 2014 7,085 3 View
If so, which resources do you use, and for what language pairs? What have you learned or discovered works well for you? Why would you search in a foreign language? Well, perhaps you need to find...
14 October 2014 8,425 15 View
Deception is fundamentally human, but how do various cultures interpret and judge deceptive behavior? In hopes of sparking a discussion, I argue in one of my recent articles...
15 July 2014 6,602 42 View
I'm reading about "linguistically faithful" and "culturally sensitive" global campaigns (marketing, advertising, promotions, etc.) Have you run into related studies? Ever witnessed any amazing...
09 July 2014 3,924 7 View
This BBC reportage (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-27281414) says a London (UK) school has 600 children with 42 different languages among them. Is it that unusual? It made me think of a local...
05 May 2014 9,345 6 View
How does your library (or institution) deal with foreign language information (as well as bi-, tri-, multilingual materials and resources) in terms of organizing it? Have you had any issues? Have...
31 March 2014 9,478 11 View
Say, you want to know what the Russian and Ukrainian online news are saying about the recent Kiev events and the EU Summit? Or, say, you'd like to see first hand what the Chinese or Malaysian...
28 March 2014 1,496 28 View
I'm currently looking for active projects and literature about tools, technologies, and methodologies for accessing information (primarily text) in multiple languages. I'm aware of several...
25 March 2014 5,828 3 View
Do you know? Is there any good way to estimate how much we read? In terms of cited publications, or hours of work per lifetime, or anything similar? Including or excluding leisure reading? How...
27 February 2014 1,270 10 View
Does anyone know of any linguistic, computational, and/or psychological research on identifying verbal cues that could indicate information concealment (and/or secrecy)? If so, I'd appreciate your...
30 January 2014 5,139 10 View
What would you suggest for big data cleansing techniques? Is your big data messy? If so, how (or how much) does it affect your work / research? How do you get rid of noise? How do you verify big...
14 January 2014 1,897 17 View