11 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Varun Garg
I am trying to make an approach on how to stream data from files based on the timestamp field in the data. such that data gets ingested to processing applications based on the timestamp. I am...
24 January 2022 4,532 3 View
I am looking for tool that can track gaze and can provide the coordinates of the gaze on the webpage?
18 January 2022 1,474 4 View
I have multiple measurements related to the object of interest (stationary). I want to identify the type of object. I am computing a convex sum of the probability the type of object using the...
28 December 2021 6,142 0 View
I am looking to learn representation from location data similar to what word2vec does to the a sentence. I am aiming to develop a system that can understand the region based on the location input...
27 November 2021 8,172 2 View
1. I have developed a probabilistic classifier whose prediction is an output PDF. 2. I have multiple measure signals M1, M2, M3 belonging to the same true object X 3. Using each measured signal...
27 November 2021 3,547 4 View
I am looking for works for an understanding scenario. I found this paper where the authors are able to process the video and create a relationship chart having different entities in the...
25 November 2021 9,431 0 View
I am looking for a dataset or a use case where complex event can be identified using the some partial observations and some other analysis For example in the image attached we can see some...
16 October 2021 3,750 2 View
I was reading a IEEE transaction paper on how to calculate Measurement and Process noise matrix of the Kalman filter when they are unknown. The title of the paper was "On the identification of...
18 July 2021 7,154 3 View
I want to request for your opinion about the current work I am doing in road hazard detection. I am using imaging as well as accelerometer-based detection for road hazard detection. The...
27 March 2019 8,333 4 View
I am looking for a GPS receiver with a sampling rate greater than 1 Hz. I looked online for Real time kinematics GPS receiver which have higher sampling rate but they are expensive. I am looking...
19 March 2019 7,953 4 View
I am implementing kalman filter using accelerometer and GPS sensor. I wanted to know how to obtain the value of Q which is the process noise model for kalman filter.
19 November 2018 7,726 6 View