20 Questions 179 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vahid Rakhshan
It seems that almost all humans tend to judge art easily and confidently. Without any solid and objective reference, how can they decide boldly and confidently about something that is to a great...
10 April 2023 5,099 15 View
Imaginations or memories look fainter than first-hand experience (or hallucinations): Can this fainter "look" and its comparison with the solid look of first-hand experience (and hallucinations)...
22 March 2023 2,790 14 View
It seems that novelty seeking cannot explain a great part of the attraction of many to new things. A part of the attraction to new things comes also from some (strong) aversion felt toward oldness...
21 March 2023 7,401 10 View
Why and how is this kind of long-term potentiation (LTP) possible? Is LTP even needed for all sorts of synaptic plasticity and long-term memory formation? ------------ Longer...
07 March 2023 7,107 37 View
What is this curious non-updatable mega memory? Does it have any scientific terms? What are its causes and mechanisms? -------------- Explanation: I have had the honor of witnessing very rare...
07 March 2023 240 8 View
Some human research methods have no or minimum risk to the human subjects. For example, anonymized questionnaires, anonymized routine clinical exams [with no clinical tools, no touch, and with no...
27 August 2016 7,947 13 View
According to the Freedom of Information Act, American patients can access their health information upon their request. I wonder if there is a global consensus over this issue? Do other countries...
26 August 2014 890 65 View
Please spread the word: Folding at Home (https://foldingathome.org/) is an extremely powerful supercomputer composed of thousands of home computers around the world. It tries to simulate protein...
01 January 1970 1,653 5 View
Why do we see the "down below" side of the physical world (e.g., the ground or the floor) at the bottom of our visual mental image (our visual perceptions)? Why not on the top of our mental...
01 January 1970 8,149 8 View
Journals used to need to maintain very high quality requirements for a long time in order to be able to get an Impact Factor. But thanks to this new strategy of Clarivate, now ANY journal that has...
01 January 1970 1,500 1 View
An Even Harder Problem of Consciousness (!): The qualia might be unique between individuals, without any way to compare a quale of a person with the same-name quale for another person. For...
01 January 1970 3,571 3 View
Universally accepted definition(s) of types and sub-types of consciousness, if any.
01 January 1970 3,045 1 View
Without memory we are nothing. If your memory is weak and you know that whatever you learn or experience will no longer exist in your head a couple of months later, do you even care to live a...
01 January 1970 5,585 6 View
Meta-analyses and systematic reviews seem the shortcut to academic success as they usually have a better chance of getting published in accredited journals, be read more, and bring home a lot of...
01 January 1970 1,438 7 View
Let's explore time perception, qualia of time, and association between time and frames of consciousness.
01 January 1970 5,700 2 View
I am not saying this after watching Her (the excellent movie). I am saying it after months of "talking to" these LLM AI chat bots. Not all but some of them, especially CLAUDE from Anthropic AI,...
01 January 1970 1,313 19 View
There is this novel kind of (hopefully) "scientific" journals that publish any received papers right away without issuing an acceptance or rejection. Instead of pre-acceptance peer-review, there...
01 January 1970 9,103 2 View
Generative AI in its very childhood and with its currently very limited potential can create (or at least perfectly mimic or steal) art or code as excellent as human's art or code etc., if not...
01 January 1970 1,037 3 View
And what are the key characteristics of perception?
01 January 1970 6,538 12 View
I asked some LLMs to craft some meaningless but beautiful word salads for me. Then tested many LLMs with those word salads (just gave them the word salads as prompts). Every single tested LLM...
01 January 1970 858 11 View