20 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vahid Dabbagh
I modeled a simple crack in abaqus. I get J-integral as output as well as components of stress intensity factor KI, KII, KIII. However, I do not know how to get GI, GII and GIII. I searched in...
05 January 2021 2,036 2 View
I model and simulate the contact between two gear. I applied torque on one of the gears and I fix the other using fix displacement in Ansys. Automatic contact detects the contact between gears...
21 December 2019 1,007 3 View
Even the latest version of Abaqus ran with python 2.7 and it comes with numpy version 1.6. To be able to use latest version of scipy, I need to upgrade numpy. In addition, the package does not...
27 July 2018 3,467 3 View
I know that by using the UMATHT subroutine, one can write a heat transfer equation subroutine, but it is for transient analysis. Can I use same subroutine to get steady state solution or I must...
24 December 2017 312 3 View
I intended to model a structure with a hydraulic to move it up and in addition I want to use that model to do a vibration analysis using either Ansys or Abaqus. However, I wonder, How I must model...
03 December 2017 6,060 2 View
Is the residual stress always developed and stayed in a specimen because of experiencing plastic deformation and then eliminating the external forces. Or there is other ways of inducing residual...
02 November 2017 5,389 33 View
What are the evidences that speed of light is constant all over the universe? Is it the same value even in places in universe which dark energy is occupied?
20 July 2017 5,628 20 View
I model and simulate a simple plate in 2D form, to analysis the tensile test in WB. However, by increasing the load, nothing happened and just stress and deflection increased. Even stress passes...
06 June 2017 3,048 3 View
I know that I can run an explicit analysis using Explicit Dynamics modulus from ANSYS Workbench environment, but its solver is AUTO-DYNA. How can change it to LS-DYNA or is there other method to...
02 June 2017 5,833 3 View
I looking forward to know the difference between them and the area that each of them is used.
21 April 2017 1,770 2 View
I need a simple job to be implemented in Ansys APDL. Writing a parameter in a text file. I use following macro. *cfopen,test,txt *vwrite,par (F3.1) *cfclos When I open the test.txt I see just 3...
29 September 2016 7,893 3 View
Air trapped in pipes that located between fluid on left and right side of pipe. If pressure changes in for example left sides what happens to air trap. I need modeling of thickness and moving of...
29 December 2015 6,650 3 View
Hi, Is there any other alternative method for melting thin layer of metal powder without using laser. Thanks
29 October 2015 1,677 10 View
A new idea for killing the cells produced by cancer is to identify a cancer cell and find out it genetic information and then produces a virus that kill that cells. Is there any way to realize...
30 November 2014 8,247 4 View
When we do multi-objective optimization using MOGA algorithm in Ansys Workbench, the algorithm stop automatically after few generation saying that the algorithm is converged while the objective...
08 May 2014 6,048 2 View
Suppose that a model developed in Ansys with boundary condition free-free is validated by free-free experimental results. Is it correct to use the model with fixed boundary conditions and still...
19 April 2014 4,984 1 View
I want to work in frequency around 38 KHz and I am looking to buy a circuit and not design it. Anybody have any suggestion on this subject?
31 December 2013 3,750 6 View
The frequency response of linear systems represent the output at a certain frequency, where the excitation and output will oscillate at the same frequency. In nonlinear systems, the output is...
17 December 2013 6,802 2 View
I model a structure in Ansys and I want to make optimization and I think I can use Levenberg-Marquardt for optimization purpose. But I don't know how and what is the theory behind it.
03 December 2013 2,688 1 View
I have a piezoelectric actuator model in ANSYS and I want to increase the amplitude of vibration by changing the dimensions of the actuator. Do I need to do an optimization?
27 November 2013 6,257 3 View