11 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tariq Islam
I am working on lane line detection using lidar point clouds and using sliding window to detect lane lines. As lane lines have higher intensity values compared to asphalt, we can use the intensity...
05 December 2023 2,708 5 View
How do we represent zero interference on db scale? I am using the following formula for calculating the Received_Power_TH (TH stands for threshold). Received_Power_TH is the power of the received...
28 September 2021 9,004 7 View
I need the following information for wifi 802.11ac and 802.11ax. Maximum Transmit power level of end devices (in miliwatts) SINR threshold for successful reception(in miliwatts) Noise Level...
24 September 2021 4,647 0 View
Hello I want to find accurate locations of some static objects to be used as landmarks for localizing other mobile object. As the landmarks will be used to localize other object, their own...
24 May 2021 7,168 5 View
I have the following scenario. In a marine environment, an object X moves below the surface of water from point A to point B. As it moves it displaces water around it which creates ripples (or...
28 May 2020 7,961 5 View
Can any body please suggest some latest papers on Multi User Uplink in wifi. Thanks.
15 July 2017 451 3 View
Hi My question is related to underwater acoustic sensor networks. I have written the attached matlab code to calculate required transmission power based on distance between the sender and receiver...
11 March 2017 841 2 View
What is the relationship between transmission power and transmission range when communication medium is acoustic waves e.g in underwater sensor networks? What parameters must be considered for...
27 September 2016 754 10 View
Hi... I want to do the following using Matlab. I want to localize a point on 2D plane using trilateration which demands for the distance measure between the unknown point and three known...
16 March 2016 3,349 4 View
What are the different parts/modules one needs to implement while implementing an underwater acoustic channel. For example we may need to code: Attenuation model Spreading pattern of the...
22 February 2016 8,476 6 View
Could UWSim be used for designing pure networking stuff e.g. routing and mac protocols, localization techniques etc? I want to implement a localization technique for mobile underwater sensor...
18 February 2016 7,946 2 View