7 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sutripto Majumder
Working in the field of fabrication of the nano structured thin film for PEC as water splitting or as two terminal solar cell device facing the obvious problem of getting different values of the...
06 June 2019 7,935 3 View
Can anybody help me out :- Why does it happen that in actual theory it seems that some material Why does it happen that in actual theory it seems that some material possess pseudo capacitance but...
09 September 2016 3,381 0 View
Can anybody help me out? There are so many papers regarding this, but not getting the clear concept
08 August 2016 6,798 13 View
Can any body answer that why there is a difference between the value of Jsc extracted through EQE and the value of Jsc of IV curve?
11 November 2015 8,859 0 View
I am facing a problem to find the the value mid frequency through the Bode plot while doing an experiment of the EIS? Please throw some light .......
08 August 2015 2,057 1 View
I have made 0.8 M solution of Na_2SO_3 in 150 ml of water and afterwords put 10 gms of Se powder into it. Now it is Na_2SeSO_3 is formed but I need to know the morality of the Na_2SeSO_3 solution...
06 June 2015 7,524 0 View
from the J-V curve or the I-V curve for the light condition of any solar cell applications.how to determine the Rs and Rsh at the point of Voc and Jsc or Isc from the curve only.
04 April 2015 5,857 6 View