11 Questions 46 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sundaram Ramchandran
As is well known, Continuous models are richer , more powerful and above all, more intuitive , easy to understand and extendable. So let us say, we are trying to find a biomarker for a disease \...
23 February 2023 8,599 9 View
If we represent each of the small cubes in each face of a cube by a base 6 number (one of the 6 colors) , can we then represent the configuration of a cube by a 54 digit number (9 * 6) ?...
23 March 2020 1,582 5 View
The latter (SCR etc) due to their non-dissipativity seem to be related to coherent and quantum computing (& possibly the optical analogues of TDM, pulse width modulation) ? Could oscillating /...
26 July 2017 4,718 1 View
Could quasi-periodic tilings play a part in High temperature Superconductivity ? Even in a heated disordered state, could the quasi-crystalline nature of the material enforce some kind of order...
01 January 1970 1,214 8 View
As an alternative / prelude to deciphering the full viral genetic sequence, would it be possible to identify the major peptide sequences that are important for the viral functioning (and that are...
01 January 1970 9,362 16 View
I am aware that Prof Subramanian Chandrasekar did considerable work on eqilibrium configuration of bodies (including rotating) under gravitational potential. Has this / Could this been applied to...
01 January 1970 4,842 3 View
I am aware that knots are characterized by polynomial invariants (Alexander , Jones, HOMFLY etc) but except for the Alexander polynomial, the other polynomials seem non-intuitive. In this context,...
01 January 1970 6,787 3 View
Typically molecular motions are classified into vibrational and torsional motions. Could one apply the principles of modes of vibrations of closed 3d shapes such as spheres , ellipsoids etc and...
01 January 1970 1,858 3 View
Could the nine point circle be relevant to coding theory etc ? Specifically, since a circle is specified by any 3 points, the other 6 could possibly be the parity bits and used for error...
01 January 1970 9,578 0 View
1) Can the densest packing be related to a kind of minimalization of entropy ? 2) Since there are links between packing problem and information theory , could the densest packing be related to...
01 January 1970 3,804 0 View
I guess it is fairly well known that to minimize electrostatic repulsion between electrons in a central potential, they have to be placed at the zeros of Chebysev (and possibly other orthogonal)...
01 January 1970 4,725 2 View