Could quasi-periodic tilings play a part in High temperature Superconductivity ? Even in a heated disordered state, could the quasi-crystalline nature of the material enforce some kind of order wherein the global and local properties are interconnected ? Breaking this could possibly require very large amount of energy which could lead to a cooling of the system which could make the system amenable to the influence of electromagnetic fields which could lead to a disorder - order transition (associated with many phenomenon such as Bose Einstein Condensation, Superfluidity, Superconductivity etc) with associated dissipation of energy and further cooling.

Could the above play a part in diffractive rsdiative processes dominating over conductive diffusive processes ?? (Possibly through smooth but non-differentiable solutions of the associated transport equations due to singularities at multiple scales which could lead to localization). Could this be a mechanism for inducing superconductivity ? Could such fields / modes induce waveguides for photons / electrons / phonons and their bound states , especially through solitons etc ? And could this be related to superconductivity ??

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