26 Questions 60 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sujan Prasad Gautam
Dear researchers, I am working on a project related to solar wind. I want to download a 1-minute resolution data from a BepiColombo spacecraft. However, I am struggling with that. Do you know...
09 March 2023 1,963 3 View
From the correlation analysis, in the past, it is estimated that Vsw has quite a good correlation with IMF-Bz during the geomagnetic storm events; however, for some intense events, quite less...
08 August 2021 3,243 2 View
We performed a correlation analysis of solar wind speed (Vsw) with z-component of interplanetary magnetic field (Bz) during geomagnetic storm events with different strengths. We found varying...
28 July 2021 5,414 2 View
Parker Solar Probe, NASA's mission for a better understanding of the Sun's environment, is continuously providing data from different encounters. Past encounters were especially during the solar...
07 July 2021 3,984 1 View
I have plotted solar wind parameters data (such as IMF-B, Vsw, Nsw, Tsw) by Parker Solar Probe, it shows maximum fluctuations nearby Sun (around 0.17 au for second encounter data, and around 0.13...
07 July 2021 9,027 2 View
I am looking for appropriate books or platforms to learn data science using python from a basic level. I would be happy to get some genuine responses. Thanks.
30 June 2021 7,173 9 View
I was looking for some sources (if available), which contain information about geomagnetic events, ICMEs, Flares, SEPs during the different encounters by Parker Solar Probe (PSP). I am working on...
30 June 2021 1,297 8 View
I tried to estimate the correlation coefficient of AOD with water precipitation, and AOD with visibility for a short period of time. I found that for a long term data set, researchers have also...
24 June 2021 6,855 6 View
I am looking for good books/articles for the study of solar wind. I would be happy to get your valuable suggestions. Thanks.
22 June 2021 8,916 4 View
Dear researcher, I am looking for a detailed catalog of the yellow and blue supergiant stars. Could you please suggest some websites or related papers? Thanks. :)
15 June 2021 9,815 1 View
I have animated images in a .gif file. I want to upload those files in my overleaf document. I am facing problem to upload .gif file, I have also searched possible solution in a google, however I...
15 June 2021 6,190 1 View
I want to create preprint of a research article via arXiv. Do you recommend any specific latex template?
11 June 2021 8,579 8 View
I heard that some storm events can occur without any change in the Dst index. Significant change in solar wind parameters that are triggered by storms events, but, without any change in Dst? Is it...
08 June 2021 6,715 11 View
Parker solar probe is providing data from different encounters. If we plot data over a distance (for eg: from 0.5 au to 0.17 au), it shows, towards the sun, interplanetary magnetic field...
06 June 2021 763 3 View
Kennicutt (1994) proposed a simplest formula to estimate star formation rate (SFR) of the galaxies. I want to calculate SFR of some dwarf galaxies using SDSS spectroscopy and compare it with the...
02 June 2021 7,190 1 View
Recently, I have written a research article. I want to produce preprint of it. I found various platforms for creating preprints of articles, including arXiv and Researchsquare. Personally, which...
01 June 2021 3,801 13 View
One of my juniors wants to conduct his term paper on econophysics. He wants to establish a relation, using different statistical tools and econophysics model, how bank's interest rate influences a...
29 May 2021 5,082 6 View
I have downloaded SDSS specra data of the dwarf galaxies for my study. I am studying strongest emission lines. I am bit confused, whether we need to perform a baseline correction beofore the...
25 May 2021 4,470 4 View
I read some papers, they highlighted that geomagmetic storm events influences the stock market?
25 May 2021 3,159 5 View
There are several papers which are using following formula (as shown in the picture) to calculate the dust mass (Md) of the dusty environments such as Nebula, loops etc in the ISM. The expression...
23 May 2021 6,293 3 View
My juniors are working on Natural Background Radiation monitoring. They used GCA-07 GM Counter for the measurement of Natural Background Radiation at different places of Kathmandu city. From the...
21 May 2021 8,238 4 View
If we plot long term data of air pollutants and temperature, it shows opposite pattern. Few papers shows that high temperature triggers formation of secondary aerosol and pollution rises. On the...
17 May 2021 6,452 6 View
I am looking for the solar wind energy data from Parker Solar Probe satellite. Please can you provide me a direct link or any other appropriate way to download?
08 May 2021 1,574 3 View
I wish to study air pollution in Nepal. Which one is better? Taking average of PM2.5 and PM10 from different stations OR studying air pollution indicators at each stations of a city ?
04 May 2021 6,363 10 View
Parker solar probe observed switchbacks — traveling disturbances in the solar wind that caused the magnetic field to bend back on itself. I want to add some validate references in my paper, I need...
29 April 2021 4,833 7 View
If the magnetic mirror is asymmetric, is the minimum injection angle in symmetric mirror to be able to reflect particles in the mirror? Why?
01 January 1970 6,383 0 View