8 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Suheir Nassar
the qPCR standard curve for a B.bifidium DNA starting from 20ng to 0.00002ng is giving strange Ct values , eventhough i repeated the qPCR three times in case i mixed up the serial dilution tubes....
03 March 2015 9,413 8 View
I understood that to generate a standard curve for a certain bacteria, the Ct values should be plotted relative to corresponding serial 10-fold dilutions of template DNA of known concentration...
10 October 2014 1,994 8 View
I am using the QIAGEN kit for DNA isolation from stool for bacteria detection. I am also using Zirconia beads for mechanical destruction of the bacterial cells as a step in DNA isolation. I don't...
10 October 2014 5,214 8 View
I am going to test the gene expression of IL-33 , Hinf I and other immune response related genes in blood. I am confused about the reference gene that I should select and order primers for along...
09 September 2014 2,138 7 View
DNA was extracted from three anaerobic Gram positive bacteria, (C.difficile,B.bifidium and B.lactis) using a QIAGEN kit. PCR was performed for 16S rDNA segment specific for each one. Only B.lactis...
09 September 2014 8,221 2 View
I'd like to ask if there is difference in TRI reagent supplied by several companies: Sigma, Peqlab, invitrogen...etc. Is there any one preferred for use for RNA isolation?
04 April 2014 3,944 10 View
In RNA isolation (from frozen blood samples) using TRI reagent , can i use chloroform that is stabilized with ethanol?
04 April 2014 895 6 View
I am using QIAamp stool DNA mini kit from QIAGEN -the protocol:stool pathogen detection. However, I've hardly got DNA out of my frozen stool samples (around 4ng/ul) knowing that the kit implies...
04 April 2014 7,786 12 View