11 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Stijn Vdb
Hi all, As a negative control, I've used a set-up in which: 1) beads without antibody binding were incubated with the sample and then put on WB. I don't see any heavy chain (which is logic),...
02 February 2020 7,391 2 View
Hi all, Is it possible that the migration of my protein is delayed due to the complexity of the sample? When I run a western blot with 1) a protein extract from locust tissue and 2) hemolymph...
06 June 2019 2,871 11 View
Hi, After immunoprecipitation and elution, I check the eluate with western blot. If I incubate the blot ONLY with secondary antibody, it gives the same signal as incubatin with primary &...
01 January 2019 1,190 5 View
Hello, So, first I perform immunoprecipitation. The eluate is then subjected to immunoblot analysis using an antibody against a related protein (equal size) and gives a band. How sure am I the...
11 November 2018 4,634 8 View
Hi, I've cloned and sequenced my PCR product but, besides a good run, I allways find the same (wrong) sequence in other runs. Running a BLAST gave no result. What could this be?? Thanks!
02 February 2018 3,565 0 View
Hi, My sample contains miRNAs, but when I use the small RNA chip (Bioanalyzer Agilent), I get a peak at around 35 nt instead of 22 nt? I'm pretty sure that there are miRNAs in there; any...
11 November 2017 7,712 4 View
Hi, When you look up an mRNA seq of a certain gene, it says "complete cds" on NCBI. This means that only the coding sequence is given, right? When you compare this mRNA seq to a NCBI TSA...
09 September 2017 7,629 2 View
Hello, Is it possible to separate a complex fluid in a vesicular part (containing vesicles / exosomes) and a non - vesicular part, containing other proteins? Many thanks!
06 June 2017 2,917 4 View
Hello, What is the function of XBP buffer in exosome isolation? Does it solely bind to exosomes, or also other protein complexes?
05 May 2017 1,203 2 View
Hello, I was wondering how RNA mimics and antagomirs are being synthesized. I don't need the details (volumes etc), but just a general overview of enzymes being used etc? Thanks! Cheers
10 October 2016 2,541 1 View
Hi all, When I do the exact same IP protocol, but elute with different buffers (for example, in 50 µl LDS or LDS together with sample reducing agent and MQ water, or in 1X Laemli), I get...
01 January 1970 6,045 6 View