11 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Song Mengli
Hi dear Scholars: What ABAQUS does when embed 3D beam element not truss element to 3D solid elements? For my research, I need to use beam elements to bear bending moment when embedded to 3d...
01 January 2018 3,466 1 View
Hi Friends here: I am using Riks to modelling stability of a concrete prism, and need load in displacement control at certain eccentricity, I did well in concentric loading with a rigid body and...
11 November 2017 5,183 5 View
Hi all friends: I am modelling a round bar under axial compression, and want to impose pressure to the body through out the lateral surface, and I want the magnitude of the pressure varies along...
01 January 2016 4,157 5 View
Dear all: I recently apply eigenvalue buckling to investigate the behaviour of a bar under compression, but when I set the boundary condition, there is another unusual option for me, and I cannot...
01 January 2016 8,942 4 View
Dear friends here: Thanks for your reply to my previous questions, and I learnt really a lot from this forum, thanks everyone who helped me, May all the things goes well on you! Now, I found a...
01 January 2016 8,244 12 View
Dear all mates: I recently had a talk to someone, and was told a very surprise opinion that If for a bar, theoretically we want to apply compressive pressure to both ends as axial compressive...
01 January 2016 3,209 3 View
Dear all mates here: I am struggling about a question when I apply pin boundary condition to a solid element steel bar in ABAQUS. I knew from another mate that as long as I restrain all the nodes...
01 January 2016 3,391 5 View
Dear all: I apply ABAQUS to model a steel bar under compressive load, and use displacement control, but the result showed that at the beginning it was compressed, but later on, it was stretched...
01 January 2016 4,928 7 View
Dear all: I recently applied eigenvalue buckling analysis and edited the input file to get a Node file, and it successfully generated the file, but I cannot find a proper way to open it, could...
01 January 2016 9,313 2 View
Hi all friends here: I am a new researcher and employ ABAQUS to analyse steel bar buckling through Riks algorithm, and concerning the stopping criteria, I want to ask a question. Since when we...
12 December 2015 3,390 3 View
Hi all: I got a tough problem about ABAQUS Riks, in the stopping criteria, I was asked to define the Maximum load proportionality factor. I know that the load proportionality factor was used to...
12 December 2015 3,115 8 View