6 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Smruti Medha Mishra
Hi, I have two set of samples, one having ZnO nanostructures & another one is having some metal thin film on it. In case of CL, for the sample having metal film on ZnO, at NBE intensity...
20 April 2021 416 2 View
Hey, I want to know if I have fabricated some nanostructure and further I want to make a shell on the nanostructure by solution phase method by making it core-shell nanostructure. So, anybody can...
02 February 2021 10,212 4 View
In a zinc salt solution, what can we add as solvent in place of ethylenediamine (EDA)? Is there any other solvent which does the same effect as EDA?
12 September 2020 8,938 2 View
Hello, I want to know if HF dissolve silicon nanowire. If we passivate the silicon nanowires by HF treatment would it cause any reduction of length of nanowires? If yes then how? Thank you
29 June 2020 6,264 4 View
Hi, I am a beginner in this field and I want to do some DFT calculations .And please let me know some free software also. So please help me out to learn this . Thank You
01 April 2020 6,735 15 View
I have silicon nanowires grown on silicon substrate. And I want to extract the nanowires from substrate to make it a substrate free nanowires. Can anyone help me with it? Thank You
11 February 2020 2,476 4 View