8 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sirajus Salehin
As per the conventional way, I will have to analyze dried and powdered samples for XRD peaks. In this way, I wouldn't be able to examine the changes (interaction of Fe species with other species,...
07 July 2017 410 4 View
What if we drink a little and then keep the bottle closed for weeks or even months? If we can drink this after a month or longer period, why there is an expiry date labeled on the...
12 December 2014 5,419 3 View
I have performed XRD analysis for my oil fly ash samples. I have the results and I want to make a tabular representation of these data such as inter-layer spacing (d), crystallite height (Lc),...
10 October 2014 6,548 25 View
Recently, my MSc research paper has been accepted in this journal and we need to pay USD 100 for publication. I won't go for is it good or bad journal type discussion,,,but I want to know whether...
07 July 2014 2,922 6 View
My experiment is about metals leaching from e-waste (PCB). To know the metals composition of my sample, I did metals digestion that was 1g of sample into 100 ml of aqua regia. Then, after...
06 June 2014 9,202 18 View
In my current project, I am dealing with bacterial strains collected from an abandoned gold mine. I want to determine the amount of cyanide produced by these isolates. I have done the...
06 June 2014 8,673 5 View
Mostly, the titles of the research articles are with positive statements or presented with assertive sentences related to the work. But can't we select titles with a question? I mean the research...
05 May 2014 9,354 18 View
I have used activated carbon for chlorophenol adsorption (2-CP, 4-CP) and got the UV absorption spectra from Perkin Elmer spectrophotometer (Lambda 25). For example, the absorption spectra before...
05 May 2014 534 8 View