7 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shreyasi Asthana
Hi everyone I am trying to perform live dead assay in a mammalian cell line. I am using DAPi and PI, i.e. ideally DAPI staind nuclear material in all cells and PI must stain nuclear material of...
24 March 2017 543 6 View
I have stored a stock solution of an amyloid protein in DMSO for a long time. How long it will be stable without aggregating or forming amyloids, so that I can use it for further studies/experiments.
07 June 2016 4,251 4 View
I need to calculate hkl values from an SAED image.Using the camera length and the r value I can calculate the d value but how do I assign hkl values.Please help
05 April 2016 6,707 4 View
how would I do MM-PBSA analysis after MD simulations in GROMACS Is there a tool or software for analysing the MM-PBSA of protein ligand complexes
28 January 2016 5,717 9 View
Hi everyone!! While performing the MD simulations on proteins and studying their unfolding by Guanidium, How should one determine the guanidium concentration with regard to the number of molecules...
30 July 2015 4,573 5 View
Hello everyone I need to dock a protein with some 5 ligands.structures of the four ligands were downloaded from pubchem,where the last one from PDB. I used prodrg server for energy minimization of...
06 May 2015 9,031 18 View
I have to sub-clone a gene from one vector into another. However I cannot find the correct plasmid with correct MCS. What do I do?
16 April 2014 829 1 View