8 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sedat Batmaz
We have two groups, and one of the groups is offered a group therapy treatment, while the other group is on the waitlist. Before starting the treatment, both groups were asked to complete some...
06 June 2018 4,050 4 View
Is there a statistical method that would allow to compare three sensitivity - specificity values of different psychometric scales on the same outcome?
02 February 2017 7,131 16 View
I am trying to run a MANOVA, but the Box's M and Levene's tests are significant. Does this mean I can not run a MANOVA? Is it OK to continue if I choose to report Pillai's trace in stead of Wilks'...
01 January 2017 6,687 12 View
I have four variables. Three of them are the total scores of various psychometric tests, and one of them is a clinical variable coded yes = 1 / no = 0. I need to compute correlational analyses...
01 January 2017 2,297 17 View
I need to compute the sensitivity and specificity of a screening tool, and I will report the sensitivity and specificity of it. Are there any rule of thumbs that might suggest what the bare...
07 July 2016 1,317 4 View
I want to run an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) on a questionnaire consisting of 9 yes/no answered questions. Is it OK to run an EFA on a scale with binary coded questions?
07 July 2016 9,085 9 View
I have a sclae consisting of 9 questions, and all of its questions are answered in the yes/no format. I want to compute the internal consistency of this scale. Is it OK to use Cronbach's alpha in...
07 July 2016 9,741 12 View
I came across different definitions of low, moderate and high growth, but I have not been able to find a reliable reference to cite where these definitions are presented. Some suggest adding up...
01 January 1970 4,700 4 View