16 Questions 51 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Saurav Kumar
Experiment which usually deals with mimicking human perception like taste and smell required precision in comparison of two sets of results - one set of result obtained from the instrument like...
26 June 2018 8,485 1 View
In the present era when most of people are debating over decline of democracy and liberal form of governance, what could be the potential alternatives that wolrd has? based on the historical evidence.
10 July 2017 2,751 10 View
Artificial lipid membrane synthesized for the bitterness taste but the reported work contains all a layer of HEMA deposition before the lipid membrane. In this query I would like to ask or know...
02 February 2015 5,741 2 View
Whenever we look into history or culture of any geographical patches it is very common to find language and script identity as generic way to find their evolution. So it might comes into mind...
02 February 2015 5,937 6 View
Behaviour of nano-hybrid thin film for the electronic application
27 May 2014 6,871 1 View
Suppose we have nanoparticles of ZnO, Ag, Au and Ferrites - how will the interaction between aforesaid biomolecules be governed?
31 March 2014 1,030 5 View
As we used to carry high temperature treatment for annealing of thin film coating, if we use liquid nitrogen or other low temperature shock for negative temperature shock can we achieve annealing?
06 March 2014 3,041 3 View
The growth of ZnO NR and Au NR (GNR) is very common via chemical route and physical methods but they require well optimized condition. Is there any simple methods where growth can be achieved...
03 March 2014 2,783 3 View
Even after a lot of research we are lagging behind in industrial use of sensors, solar applications, targeted drug delivery (confined to research lab only). Few improvements we have seen in...
02 March 2014 8,933 8 View
TEM is a very high technology instrument which is precise in use as well as interpretation but due to lack of resources many people do not know actually how to interpret and how many kind of...
24 February 2014 2,190 5 View
1. I have found in some paper : use of only MnO2 , no APS were used no specific anionic supplement were used. What could be the reason? 2. Use of MnO2 as the precursor oxide and using it with 1M...
18 February 2014 473 4 View
When we synthesize bio-hybrid structures with other metal oxides, organic polymers, inorganic oxides, and etc., what is the most significant limitation that we have to overcome?
16 February 2014 4,901 1 View
I did UV-Vis of PANI with DMSO. During UV-Vis I found the graph line of absorption from 800 to 500 nm goes in a downward trend and finally goes below the zero line and moves in negative axis and...
14 February 2014 7,471 6 View
Polyaniline were initially partially soluble in DI and DMSO at room temperature but sonication at 40 deg Celsius gives out dark green solution. I want to know how this solvent could affect the...
13 February 2014 6,172 8 View
I mean to say 2D structure of carbon nanostructure.
01 February 2014 6,350 5 View
Seeking an answer in the context of energy, thermodynamic and validation of work point of view.
22 January 2014 770 5 View