15 Questions 118 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Satyaprasad Venkata
a large number of sunscreens are being sold in the market which have an expiry date. most of the sunsceens are just stable chemiclas which tend to react only with sun light. what is the expiry...
08 August 2018 5,711 2 View
A proactive approach focuses on eliminating problems before they have a chance to appear and a reactive approach is based on responding to events after they have happened. The difference between...
12 December 2016 2,346 26 View
Can benzylperoxide clindamycin and adapalene be used simultaneously on the site of acne for a period of 10 to 30 minutes in the evening. . Will there be any change in the bioavailability of drugs.
10 October 2016 2,111 3 View
Pepsi and coca cola if they have contributed anything to this world is that they have made the world heavier by causing Obesity. Any function any meeting and any get together and any thirst...
10 October 2016 6,381 1 View
what spectrum of Light is emitted through LED lights and what ids the amount of UV radiation that is emitted. Is it safe for long use and particularly for OT uses
09 September 2015 723 0 View
Hotels with luxury. Food with luxury, clothing with luxury. every one pays for being happy. Why does one not pay for being healthy? Why are insurance companies making it easy for one to keep...
01 January 2015 3,561 0 View
How to compare and contrast each of the pros and cons for products and services. like laser, PRP and chemical peels. with the customer first attitude which is safe?
11 November 2014 6,493 0 View
With the advent of generic drugs the branded forms are also competing for prescription. while offering the best to the patient which is considered better. why is there no uniformity in pricing...
11 November 2014 2,856 10 View
Happiness is ultimately that is required. does money alone decide the quality of life or happiness? Is medical science responsible for increasing life expectancy or providing clean and healthy...
11 November 2014 8,701 11 View
A recent cyclone in Andhra Pradesh damaged many show rooms with glass as exterior. Many show rooms which flaunted expensive glass as walls, and exteriors came for a shock as they found the glass...
10 October 2014 2,014 3 View
I there any college or university in Australia where a student from India can pursue Genetics after completing intermediate in India
07 July 2014 9,115 3 View
The ever increasing incidence of diabetes among the public has raised concern regarding the preventive aspect of early detection of diabetes. Are there any reliable markers to be trusted?
05 May 2014 6,898 2 View
Is retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy common in HIV patients and does it indicate tuberculosis?
03 March 2014 4,813 7 View
Injectable immunoglobulin have been in the market for a few chronic and life threatening diseases. Can it be tried for chronic urticaria which is recurrent and resistant for many forms of...
08 August 2012 7,127 0 View
Most of the diseases strike when in forties, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, rheumatism and of course psychological disorders. What makes forties vulnerable?
04 April 2012 4,844 1 View