8 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sarah Javed
Can you guys tell me which stats should I use when I have both Dependent and Independent variable in categorical form I want to check level of Depression which is categorized as Normal, Mild,...
29 October 2020 3,368 3 View
Hello friends I am conducting a research to see which type of coping is contributing more towards life satisfaction. I have taken two coping style (Independent Variables) 1. Trust in God (5...
28 June 2020 9,168 0 View
Hello If i want to calculate IQ, DQ and SQ of my subject using Seguin form Board Test (SFBT), Developmental Screening Test (DST) and Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS) respectively. Suppose...
07 November 2018 4,071 5 View
Can any body provide me with reliability and validity of the following scales 1. Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale 2. Hamilton Depression Rating Scale 3. Comprehensive Trail Making Test 4....
15 November 2017 496 15 View
Hello Genetic loading is reported more in which disorder Schizophrenia or Depression? Will be obliged if reference is provided along with the answers.:)
07 July 2017 632 5 View
My question is when I compare the frequency distribution of people's answers based on their education levels (for example) through chi-squared test, I got a warning that says (for instance) 7...
10 June 2017 7,735 10 View
Hello I analysed my data using a repeated measures ANOVA via SPSS. Now, I want to know the effect size. Would you please tell me how to calculate effect sizes, which software is recommended? Can...
08 June 2017 3,107 7 View
Hello. I am trying to find out efficacy of cognitive remediation intervention in patients of depression and schizophrenia. Can you please help me in finding out what will be the appropriate sample...
01 February 2017 5,699 9 View