13 Questions 81 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Samuel Lakew
Hi Every one, TESLAs idea of using induction motor is wise. But my question is how long would it stay to be competent performance wise when others better motors are coming. Of course everything...
25 August 2017 1,130 5 View
As the conventional energy sources are depleting, what kind of energy we may use to fly an air crafts in the future?
11 March 2016 2,467 8 View
One of the challenges in electrifying the remote areas which is at distant from the national grids is the high impose of energy cost per kwh of energy both in generation and in customer bill...
09 January 2016 6,421 7 View
How do you see the term "energy management" from sustainable energy point of view? And what should actually be done in the case of Hybrid energy systems to efficiently utilize our energy? What are...
03 January 2016 9,289 17 View
Dear researchers, many researchers in the energy fields fulfill their lack of renewable energy resources data from databases (NREL and NASA, SWERA etc.). But these data sometimes deviate (show...
18 December 2015 2,161 13 View
When we design hybrid renewable energy systems (especially, large scale), no matter what we try to match the load and source, we end up with excess generation due to resource fluctuation or other...
09 December 2015 2,422 16 View
I always wonder why not we use moving automobile or other moving machines for energy production. As we know from basic science (physics) that all moving objects have energy of some kind. I believe...
03 November 2015 2,769 18 View
Obviously, smart grid technology is growing fast. Its contribution to energy efficiency and sustainability is undeniable. I would like to see deep in to it, what it is like, what advantages and...
01 January 1970 976 15 View
Nelson Mandela said "No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Education is the great engine of...
01 January 1970 3,794 73 View
One of the threat to humanity is THE emergence intelligent machines. When AI gets full control and when sky-net comes to exist....might be already there, ....the plan is to enslave humanity rather...
01 January 1970 1,881 20 View
I have learnt that we all are different in storing memories from the past. Some people store events, pictures and even associate the event with other events, colors and even scents. Some people...
01 January 1970 2,204 9 View
Photo-acoustic biomedical instrumentation will be a trend in the future. It uses very high sound frequency (in 100's of GHz) way above ultrasound range (1MHz to 18MHz). If there is anyone who is...
01 January 1970 1,319 3 View
According to the Guardian, many companies in the UK are micro-chipping an electronic implant on the hands of their employers. They think this the best way to micromanage employers and more. Where...
01 January 1970 4,791 4 View