14 Questions 26 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Samira Eshghi
I some papers, the mean square error is considered. In some other, the mse is normalized by dividing the error by the (total sampling instants x the total length of the reference...
26 February 2020 1,074 4 View
In "Simultaneous Stabilization and Tracking of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots: A Lyapunov-Based Approach", the authors stated that the nonholonomy of mobile robots allows control of the system with...
28 May 2019 7,941 4 View
I am looking for a reference that explains the asymptotic stability for the mean square consensus of a multi-agent system step by step. I am reading an article: "Sampled-Data Consensus of Linear...
21 November 2018 6,021 5 View
Switching topology means that the topology of the agents switch into a different topology over time. Time-varying formation happens when the formation pattern changes over time for several...
16 February 2018 8,110 2 View
I am looking for new research direction in cooperative control of multi-agent systems. What are the latest trends in this field of study? any comment is much appreciated.
22 January 2018 679 5 View
Hi I'm conducting a literature review on Formation Flying. While there are numerous studies and surveys on the subject, I have not been able to find a well-structured concept map on the general FF...
05 September 2016 5,068 3 View
I'm trying to perform fractional power for a vector containing both positive and negative values. The power is not an integer so the Simulink fails to perform the operation and gives out the...
17 January 2015 9,738 9 View
I appreciate any example that explains the procedure in deriving the reaching time for a SMC solution
11 December 2014 6,076 5 View
In page 21 of this lecture note, quaternion error approximation for small errors has been defined as the deduction of the desired from current. It does not make sense mathematically speaking....
17 October 2014 6,031 1 View
Is the derivative of the error the rotation between the derivative of the desired and the derivative of the actual angle or simply the derivative of the error equation?
27 June 2014 7,527 4 View
In many satellite attitude control problems a desired trajectory is defined to be reached. Is the desired trajectory (in quaternion) the same as q_LVLH (a 4x1 matrix defined by orbital parameters)?
22 April 2014 1,863 2 View
The singularity error identifies the block in which the problem occurs (e.g.Integrator), however, the problem initiates in other part of block which finally causes singularity in integrator. What...
18 April 2014 3,611 4 View
It could be taken as u_sw=-(1/b)ksgn(s) where k is defined as in Applied nonlinear Control by slotine. Does the definition vary for advanced SMC like non-singular terminal SMC?
12 March 2014 10,006 6 View
The sliding mode controller for the satellite attitude control works fine for less than half an orbit. A singularity happens and stops the simulation. What are the causes and what are the solutions?
20 February 2014 3,479 11 View