8 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Salma Tammam
Would it be OK to culture cells in 96 well plates for over 72 hours? We need to run an experiment which involves cell seeding then treatment after 12 hours. The cells should then be incubated with...
11 November 2019 8,906 3 View
We are supplementing RPMI meida with human plasma instead of serum for culture of human breast cancer cells. When PRMI is supplemented with 10% human plasma, the media looks fine, however once...
08 August 2018 4,415 10 View
Since several references indicate the presence of HCV in blood cells and that RNA extraction from whole blood samples leads to higher amounts of viral RNA. So why is plasma/serum routinely used...
07 July 2018 6,826 3 View
In patients receiving antiviral drugs, is free viral RNA/DNA from dead virions released in serum? If so will this affect the accuracy (in terms of therapeutic outcome) of qPCR based diagnostic tests?
07 July 2018 6,210 5 View
We have been using a set of primers for sometime now for HCV RNA detection using conventional PCR and qPCR. All was fine; Cts for HCV positive samples, no Cts for negative samples and when water...
07 July 2018 2,812 4 View
We are running qPCR for the quantification of HCV RNA. For the past two weeks, we seem to get amplification curves and Cts with: 1. Negative samples 2. Water + Mastermix + primers+ probe 3....
03 March 2018 6,982 6 View
I have a urea quantification kit that employs urease to change urea to ammonia and then quantify ammonia based on color intensity. Can Urease do the same with the isourea derivative attached?
02 February 2018 6,747 2 View
We are trying to optimise conditions for a qPCR reaction, but we think that our probe is not binding. Amplicons show bands on agarose gels, but we get no ct. How could we analyse probe binding...
09 September 2016 1,562 2 View