9 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Salma Tammam
What is the time required for the body to produce a detectable concentration of anti SARS-CoV-2 ? Would such lag time make serological tests less interesting from a screening perspective? Should...
28 March 2020 9,507 3 View
We are trying to differentiate between fusion and cell surface adsorption of lecithin-Cholesterol lipsomes with human fibroblast cell membranes and were curious whether energy depletion with...
26 January 2020 2,118 1 View
Would it be OK to culture cells in 96 well plates for over 72 hours? We need to run an experiment which involves cell seeding then treatment after 12 hours. The cells should then be incubated with...
14 November 2019 9,138 4 View
We are spiking human serum with synthetic 25-hydroxyvitamin D and wanted to determine whether the vitamin D binding protein would be able to bind this exogenous synthetic 25-hydroxyvitamin...
04 June 2019 4,365 1 View
In patients receiving antiviral drugs, is free viral RNA/DNA from dead virions released in serum? If so will this affect the accuracy (in terms of therapeutic outcome) of qPCR based diagnostic tests?
23 July 2018 1,298 4 View
We are running qPCR for the quantification of HCV RNA. For the past two weeks, we seem to get amplification curves and Cts with: 1. Negative samples 2. Water + Mastermix + primers+ probe 3....
01 March 2018 331 5 View
I have a urea quantification kit that employs urease to change urea to ammonia and then quantify ammonia based on color intensity. Can Urease do the same with the isourea derivative attached?
28 February 2018 4,402 2 View
I am curious about the structure of APN01. It is human recombinant soluble ACE2 (hrsACE2) that is administered systemically in COVID-19 therapy. How is it stabilized in-vivo?
01 January 1970 4,706 2 View
We come across a lot of work considering the effect of lipid properties on liposome fluidity and fusogenic capacity, but what about particle size? Especially if the liposomes are a composed of the...
01 January 1970 9,510 3 View