39 Questions 82 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sajjad Fouladvand
I have an accepted paper in an international conference. They are going to published all accepted papers in a volume by IEEE Press as post-proceedings. What exactly is an IEEE...
05 May 2015 9,320 1 View
I'm intrigued if there exist a way to do this project "Detecting and molecular classification of lightweight birds using a molecular detector DNA Barcoding" using pattern recognition and machine...
03 March 2015 8,786 3 View
I've read 504 words, essential words for toefl and1100 words. I'm going to take the GRE exam in 7 or 8 month (I just wanna apply for fall 2016 and so I guess I'd better take the exam in 7 or 8...
12 December 2014 3,605 2 View
I want to build a machine learning model and unfortunately I have a limit and small number of samples for both training and testing phase. I've always used a validation set for parameter...
12 December 2014 8,205 10 View
I'm gathering data and trying to generate a data set. I'm wondering how should I decide on the number of samples. How many samples should be measured. Besides, any other recommendation about...
11 November 2014 6,388 18 View
I'm looking for a strong method to discretization of continuous features. I prefer implemented methods with prepared libraries or functions. Thanks in advanced
11 November 2014 714 13 View
I'll appreciate if somebody introduces me a good ISI journal with quick process time. My paper is in the field of artificial immune system, biologically inspired algorithm, natural computing,...
11 November 2014 9,953 2 View
I want to rank features in a one-class classification problem. I'm looking for proper feature selection methods for one-class classification problems. Thanks in advance.
10 October 2014 4,148 17 View
I want to work on a machine learning and pattern recognition task, but the size of data set is small and there are only 43 samples for both training and testing purposes. How about the bagging...
10 October 2014 4,904 15 View
Image Processing and machine learning concepts has been widely used in medicine. I'm going to work on the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques (preferably image processing and machine...
09 September 2014 824 5 View
I'll appreciate if you inform me about journals with a short reviewing process at most 7 or 8 month. Thanks in advanced
06 June 2014 5,176 1 View
I’m eager to start a research in the field of Machine learning and Image Processing (especially Gaussian process, GMM). I'm wondering how should I start my quest. How can I find a professor who...
02 February 2014 8,023 4 View
Besides, I'll appreciate if one's introduce me an useful tutorial on SVM. I do't need mathematical tutorial or practical tutorial. I'm looking for general concepts. A tutorial with graphical...
02 February 2014 2,548 2 View
I'm preparing for an exam and looking for some exercises with solutions about pattern recognition and machine learning specially in the field of : SVM, Bayes, Decision Tree, Overfitting and...
02 February 2014 579 8 View
Suppose we remove all train data except support vector data. How it would affect the SVM answer (Decision Boundary)?
01 January 2014 9,928 8 View
According to Tom Mitchel (Machine Learning, 1997): We will say that a learning algorithm is a consistent learner provided it outputs a hypothesis that commits zero errors over the training examples.
01 January 2014 6,844 2 View
I've already finished my M.Sc in Artificial Intelligence. I'm eager to apply for a PhD position in one of my favorite fields. I'm wondering which features are important for professors to accept an...
11 November 2013 7,688 7 View
Some journals want you to introduce some referees. How do the referees' comments affect the final decision? What happens If I can not find an expert?
10 October 2013 1,089 6 View
I'm reading about the bagging systems. After creating M data set using Bootsrapping we should train base models on these M data sets. How about base models? In Weka when I select bagging...
10 October 2013 904 2 View
I'm going to perform AdaboostM1 on a data set but Adaboost option is inactive.
10 October 2013 8,266 2 View
Assume we fit a GMM on a train set which contains normal samples. I'm wondering if we can use probability density function (which is a linear combination of component densities) in order to decide...
09 September 2013 7,293 10 View
I'm encounter with a very high dimension classification problem. I'm looking for an efficient feature selection (or extraction) method.
07 July 2013 5,580 14 View
Does anybody know a good review or a beneficial article?How about the data set?Is there any popular data set? For example in Intrusion Detection System, the researchers usually use KDDCup or...
07 July 2013 2,948 0 View
It should cover the mobile robot navigation or neural network and fuzzy system fields, if possible? This is my first article and I'm looking for a journal with low impact factor and with a quick...
07 July 2013 462 10 View
I've written an article about intrusion detection systems using machine learning and pattern recognition techniques. I'm looking for a good conference or ISI journal. My professor said look for...
06 June 2013 7,828 2 View
An IDS which combine some classifiers using Majority Voting and divide samples to Normal and Abnormal (without reporting any information about attack types), is it a hybrid intrusion detection...
06 June 2013 4,651 8 View
Probabilities values in a Gaussian Mixture Model are very very big. Some of them are pretty small(like 8E-10) and some of them are very big(like 8E+50). I tried both Netlab and gmdistribution...
05 May 2013 4,781 17 View
I use Clonal Selection algorithm in an negative selection algorithm. It is said that using Clonal Selection algorithm can bring about adaptivity in the system (for example a negative selection...
05 May 2013 8,057 0 View
I'm looking for a beneficial data set for web page classification application. Do you know a good data set?
04 April 2013 604 5 View
The parameter nu is an upper bound in the fraction of training points outside the estimated region. So I think decreasing nu can cause overfitting and increasing nu can cause underfitting. Is it...
04 April 2013 6,793 11 View
In the mixture of expert methods there is a gating network which produces weight for base classifiers results. I'm wondering how should I create a gating network? Where does the training data for...
03 March 2013 4,986 2 View
03 March 2013 8,633 26 View
Accuracy for base classifiers are 0.85, 0.90, 0.70 percent. A simple combination method (voting) enhances accuracy up to 0.99%. Is this reasonable?
03 March 2013 6,113 14 View
In negative selection algorithm how we should find proper parameters like affinity threshold?
02 February 2013 7,999 13 View
I've normalized training data using mean and standard deviation of training data. Now in testing phase, should I use mean and standard deviation of the test data or train data?
02 February 2013 1,203 14 View
I've implemented a GMM for one class of the data. Then I performed ROC analysis and the diagram is not bad. I achieved 83% accuracy with a threshold but the problem is that the threshold is pretty...
01 January 2013 8,444 4 View
I'm trying to implement Gaussian Mixture Model and EM algorithm using a matlab toolbox called Netlab. It uses EM algorithem in order to find the parameters of gaussian components. When I use...
12 December 2012 3,652 10 View
I want to use the "princomp" function of Matlab but this function gives the eigenvalues in a sorted array. This way I can't find out which column corresponds to which eigenvalue. For Matlab, m =...
12 December 2012 7,525 1 View
What are you ideas about Danger Theory Algorithm? There are some algorithms to model and implement Artificial Immune System like Negative Selection and Clonal selection and recently Danger Theory....
10 October 2012 244 29 View