10 Questions 21 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ruhshan Ahmed Abir
I'm interested about a monoclonal antibody Rituximab, I've found pdb structure of Fc and Fab regions of this. Is there any too/method that I can use to append these and get the full pdb structure?...
28 April 2018 1,720 3 View
Does anyone know how to access or download exonhunter? I've found a URL from the research group's publication http://www.bioinformatics.uwaterloo.ca/downloads/exonhunter but this is seems not working.
15 January 2018 7,509 3 View
I was studying about ppi prediction with machine learning approach, then the latest development I've found reported 97% accuracy with DVM hereAccurate prediction of protein-protein interactions by...
10 December 2017 4,932 4 View
My protein of interest has 3D structure available in pdb. I know about an snp that produces short isoform of that protein. How or using what tool I can produce that isoform as a pdb file?
07 April 2017 7,625 3 View
I was playing with different machine learning algorithms with some data of mine which are really messy. While other algorithms were not showing much promise , using neuralnet I've achieved some...
06 April 2017 1,079 2 View
Is it possible to presume about which Salomonella species present in the sample without using molecular tools like PCR? Just from biochemical tests? If I plan to do PCR for confirming species, how...
20 October 2016 6,743 2 View
I'm looking for some good review articles covering details about NGS, NGS platforms, techniques used by manufactures like illumina, agilent or others. TIA.
11 June 2016 1,935 7 View
I've performed docking with autodock vina, I can see the receptor ligand interaction using GUI of autodock tools but as I have quite a number of vina results, its getting tiresome every time doing...
30 January 2016 1,109 4 View
I'm trying to build 3d model of protein with modeller, unfortunately I can find no template with good identity. So If I use that template anyway, can I use any tool to refine that model?
29 December 2015 9,173 9 View
I looking for a brief resource about comparison between ZFN, TALEN, CRISPR/Cas system of genome editing. Actually I'm interested in their merits and demerits.
15 December 2014 8,954 4 View