7 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rufaida Hussain
I'm working in a gait analysis laboratory which contains 6 infrared cameras from BTS GaitLab Bioengineering. Some markers are dirty. Is there any cleaning solutions for them or I should replace...
05 May 2015 7,799 5 View
Kindly I need a database (raw data or data-set) for Sagittal kinematic data and kinetic data for children with cerebral palsy. and the type of their gaits (crouch gait, jump gait, apparent...
02 February 2015 2,155 2 View
Could someone tell me what is the differences between random signal and Stochastic signal? and when can we use them and why?
12 December 2013 3,765 16 View
Several activating signals were available to excite the plant, such as step, ramp, sinusoid, and random sequence signals. Is it enough to train neural network with one type of these signals or...
12 December 2013 7,238 1 View
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is a soft computing method, in which a given input–output data set is expressed in a fuzzy inference system (FIS). What are the suitable applications...
09 September 2013 4,429 6 View
I want to use ANFIS as a controller but the fuzzy controller in toolbox doesn't accept anfis as a controller, so I have to use this function, But there is not any information about it in the fuzzy...
07 July 2013 2,006 2 View
How can I implant ANFIS as a controller in MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation for sit to stand movement supported with functional electrical stimulation in paraplegics. I think it will be inverse...
11 November 2012 5,075 3 View