5 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rossana Fernandes
Hello, I am running a static analysis for 10 time steps (variable load) in Ansys workbench 19.2. I would like to export to excel the nodal stress everywhere in the structure (not just the maximum...
18 August 2020 6,353 3 View
Hello, Is there a way to determine the shear strength of a polymer other than experimentally if I have all the other material properties (ultimate strength, modulus of elasticity and shear...
10 May 2020 2,371 0 View
Good morning, I am trying to obtain the aeroelastic divergence speed of a thin plate in MSC Nastran (flight loads). Is there a way of getting the divergence speed through SOL144 using DIVERG...
27 January 2020 7,056 6 View
Good morning I would like to perform a ground vibration test (GVT) on a wing model. Can a someone suggest a good material on that (including how to perform it)? Thank you in advance for your input...
15 September 2019 5,197 2 View
Hello! I've modeled a simple wing box with some spars and ribs in Ansys APDL. I chose SHELL181 for all the elements. My first natural mode of vibration is bending, but then I get local modes for...
10 February 2016 9,576 3 View