6 Questions 72 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rolf Henrik Nilsson
Regarding the DNA barcode COI (cytochrome oxidase subunit 1), I'm looking for a multiple sequence alignment that, ideally, spans the Eukaryota. Is there any such alignment available for...
10 October 2017 965 5 View
I recall seeing, one or two years ago, a guideline-style paper on the topic of “how to collect fungi and how to describe new species of fungi”. Problem is, I cannot seem to find it. I vaguely...
12 December 2016 5,518 5 View
Is there a way to search in the Acknowledgements field of “all” published scientific papers? I can’t find such a delimiter in Web of Science (but maybe I just don’t know where to find it). Do you...
08 August 2015 5,533 9 View
I recall seeing, a couple of years ago, an enormously complicated life cycle of, well, I think it was a protist-style "animal". Loads of resting stages, morphs and sexual/asexual stages - and...
05 May 2015 8,869 11 View
I'm curious to learn about any additional PR steps you can take to increase the visibility of your published articles. Here are some steps I try to take (in various combinations, depending on the...
10 October 2014 972 90 View
Several geneticists have told me that I should never, ever, ever use the word “locus/loci” the way its is often used in the field of phylogenetic inference: “A four-locus phylogeny of X…” “…and...
03 March 2014 6,977 6 View